My wife caught the 'patience' of milk to buy clothes

I am more than my wife 5 years, my wife is also a women love shopping, like distillation, just out of the House she see gowns, clothing pants, pastel paws son.

Ear hair every few minutes she left changing a color, yellow, Brown, and then at the purple. Go where she wanted to be the most beautiful woman, the most prominent, the most discerning.

Even my wife is ready to "go" drink milk to get shopping money.

Photo illustrations. Source: Internet.

I lived in his hometown of spouses, the spouses are working for foreign companies, the total current income per month is 11 million. With her income in the countryside we also in shape, but also not to spend the money, because the salary base is the wife I go clothes shopping.

She bought for her husband, for the child, the less that purchase for myself more, dare not buy items such as your wife, my wife just bought a budget type, range 2-3 hundred thousand. There, things would also buy, buy a lot and have only to watch rather than see her wear ever. The ones wearing only 1-2 times and then shelved for good.

I asked my wife, buy do more clothes then she replies that slaving at all, there is the salary must also reward yourself rather than clothes. Women who don't like her beautiful, beautiful for her husband, for you are not proud for myself.

I remember that over 10 years ago, when my first child less than a year old, then my only income was 1.8 million per month, while his wife, I don't have a job, a home child care. But my wife still do pretty regularly took money out of my wallet to go buy clothes.

Once the House is less than 200 thousand, only just enough to buy milk for their children because of box ceases to drink milk, so that her determination to resist children drink milk to buy a very nice jacket on wearing.

Sad and angry at his wife, but then she said that I regret money, selfish. Up to now I still wife, like clothes shopping, though not economic abundance.=
