New way to cure premature ejaculation at a glance

(Phunudoisong)-some men just ejaculate early during intercourse. Others feel out too quickly to meet any irritation from your partner. Many people feel they cannot control even while Self-indulgence alone.
Currently, there are up to 30-40% of men suffer from this oăm hang on disease. The show was the good method to troubleshoot this, just a 20-minute treatment, men who suffer from premature ejaculation can have complete confidence when Lam ' battle '.

Photo: Internet Overcome "weak" for the gentlemen, scientists in the University Medical Center Case in the State of Ohio (United States of America) has conducted tests on the 22 men with premature ejaculation. These people first be numbed in the pelvic region, then inject a tiny battery-powered devices in the nerve connecting the brain to the penis.
Then activate the device to heat the nerve transmits the feeling of euphoria about the brain while men are sexual relations.
The process heats this nerve takes only 20 minutes, 22 participants tested excited speech, they were hindered to be longer before the ejaculation time and know moreover that they have "control" them.
This method is very safe but which do not maintain for long, it only works for a certain period of time because the nerves connected to the penis were cancelled in part likely to heal after a few months.
In addition to the fix method of speed for 20 minutes, you can use long phrases of some other measures such as:
Relaxation. This is the most important thing you need to do. Take a bath, take a deep breath, or sitting retreats.
Solving the problems in the relationship. Ensure that both the mind and the heart are ready for sex. If you are not happy about anything, Let's settle with you life.
Pelvic exercise. Many men said they could delay the ejaculation by squeezing or pushing the pelvis muscles.
Stopped and then continued. This is the most common method in psychological therapy. Exercise stimulate ourselves up to the point before ejaculation and then stop. First again when emotions have subsided. Repeat 3 times. You will see the time period before each stop will last out.
Change the type of irritation. If you see has won more control by the method above, try changing the style of his impact to reduce irritation, instead of stopping all that.
To change the location. During intercourse, try home remedies to stop and then resume when the feelings are too strong. When you are confident, the position instead of the waterwheel.