See General Phu QUY ears

Here are some details of the Phu QUY ears general definition:

-Not physically, white ears than skin color, the higher the eyebrows on the ears is a sign of the popularity, ease of Fame in.

-Large ears, thick and sure, delicate shape, bright colors and have at least a high horizontal eye is characteristic of people of high status in the society, are known and admired.

-Thick Ears, Lika (earlobes) and to drooping below, is General, if towards the mouth more than rich.

Ear pressed close to the scalp, then clearly the life of Guo had many ronghua Phu QUY.

-Inverted Ear (from the front looking straight in the face, then don't see disasters) shows the owner is the person who has a high status in society, through career, advantages.

-Pressure on the scalp, Guo (outer rim and the rim of the ear) ear, obviously the higher the eyebrows, then the employer is the intelligent, lucid, able to become the leader, life has many ronghua Phu QUY.

-Large ears and thick, wide ears and bright colors, older affluent lives, spare money.

-Color red and ivory white bunker or ears are rounded both are your General lived.

-Long ears and Big Picture, higher above the eyebrows, horizontal angle below the mouth is Gen. tho. Life rarely sick despite adversity never upset.

-Colored Ears Hong minh prospective profit mental expression strength. Sharp ear pinky is general status in society and be beloved. The Atrium usually go together with the item.

-Full Ears close to the head, standing in front of the ear, see.

-In the ear hair is great tho, distemper. There are items you are smart flies show.

Pendulous Ears near the ear, shoulder-rises to mind are Kitty manner.

-Buffalo is stupid, but gentler and Shou.

-Thick, hard, that was the longest longevity more perked, loc.  Clear ears, thin is not smart people.

-In the ear have moles who are intellectual and his descendants are also very smart. Wide ears, just tuck your fingers is the smart, nimble, generosity.

-There is the white Ears have high status in the society. Thick ear which is blessed loc round.

-White than the Ear is the smart, there is fame. The section on the ears more perked high who is intellectual, social status and generally enjoying an idle, Rapture.

-Long earlobes, round, thick as great power or have high artistic sense.

To sum up, the General appreciation of the ear is A quibble. Citadels is 2 lizards floating round tendon under the rim of the ear. Plump thick high, there are 2 left Lika, Guo's left ear (possible women pierced map wear cotton) is a German venture financing, Sage Sage ranks tastes, there are live, estate of Shu decency longevity. All of the above characteristics must go together with the balance of both the new ear is considered Phu QUY ears.=
