Should a husband divorce sadomasochism

(Phunutoday)-women now damaged, yet the series continues typing, has an abortion several times. Should accept that life only, do not require much.

The thing is, I'm sure he is a man whose lifestyle is extremely serious, and all my life, he probably only known to a single woman that was my wife. This is also a good lifestyle, deserve praise, however, is also very dangerous for the woman who would marry him. As a man, read the story of a teacher in Haiphong was sadist husband I really feel great about the way he treated her husband. And I've thought a lot about this story, however, I also ask yourself, cause why her husband left the terrible porn. Ladies, men also have the chips seven women, and also world class, there are seven chips. Each one looks, nobody just like anyone. So, just in a new blanket blankets have headed, just know in the circumstances of the man, or the man we know she was one right, one wrong. Back with the man being sexually, I noticed just as everyone says, his action is very despicable, ... But I also try to put the question in reverse, where he became the miscreant. If there is a major professional wife, does he have?. So, don't be in a hurry to condemn, and also should not condemn them. He is a teacher to teach math, so I think the moral of this man is also not bad. The thing is, I'm sure he is a man whose lifestyle is extremely serious, and all my life, he probably only known to a single woman that was my wife, so when my wife discovered him in white, no longer a shock. This is also a good lifestyle, deserve praise, however, is also very dangerous for the woman who would marry him. Because if the woman did virginity after the wedding will be cult like him "for his wife, second Sun". Conversely, if the woman would make his wife that lucky not to have lost the thin film it for any reason, or like this teacher, because has given trót lovers ... 'll suffering all my life. This is also the reason that he and wife sister should live on the miserable humiliating, when there's a sadist husband. But that also respect the men of this type is now making Virgin daughters "cooler" (i.e. not counterfeit) to grab the wife is harder than curious kim bottom hot. Women now damaged, yet the series continues typing, has an abortion several times. Should accept that life only, do not require much. Through the story I also noticed, the biggest mistake of my sister wife is regarded marriage as a joke, and believed in the things people often say, "get my husband to take his lover" should "I nodded his eyes putting foot" retrieved his husband never loved. Like no other would get done, and have to end my sister don't need to learn anything more about him. In my opinion, with a computer, you will not be able to terminate the husband be the sadist with a wife, because to him, sex is no different at this maltreatment physically and mentally. So, in my opinion the most decadent escape for his wife at the moment that is divorce. You are encouraged to do so is going to be very painful for her and the children, but would rather the pain once more persistent pain all my life. If not she will very extreme suffering when the day was tormenting him physically and mentally. Looking forward to my sister think I said things that made back to life when not too late. Wish my sister happy.=
