Suffering because you ear husband fuck

Beginning in about launches family, love with her poor husband brother Ha Linh-4 years. See her docile, fun, easy to close, Ha glad, but more and more the Galaxy realize, she's not comfortable as simple external manifestations, even extremely tai.

Before marriage, often texting, calling to talk to. 2 sisters mind enough stories in the sky, on the ground. HA funny, endearing themselves to Spiritual thought so much talk, but there are times when two people are talking, calling for the phone runs out of money. HA don't think nothing, calling card purchases sent to the Mainland for the ghost. However, continuous time talking, cell phone Components are out of money midway. HA dimly realized the "deliberate" accidentally "sister-in-law".

After the marriage, living with my husband's parents. Ghost proved to wrap the tangerines and beloved sister-in-law. Phong found so excited, by the wedding before, I also worry about the relationship between the husband and sister-in-law, I of course capital is often regarded as the water with fire. However, only new Galaxy understood the truth behind her beloved husband's attitude.

HA not yet know with her sister-in-law Lam (artwork)

HA worked in fashiondesign, clothing, jewelry of the Ha a lot, not to mention entirely beautiful and expensive. Ghost never ask to borrow my that just naturally take out wear. Ha's wardrobe that Spirit of his Spirit, as liberty took out fractional distillation. There are times, going to do about the middle class, she opened the door to the room then startled to see her skirt is, on a bed throw bunch map maybe try new. Angry officers tried to resist but HA, not the sorry sister-in-law, smile said "I intend to call to ask to borrow my sister birthday go dress, but fear she is busy not listening so keep it".

Linh is a graduate, not work should she stay at home all day. However, the Component never bear foot, hand-animated work. Before the houses of the HA because parents afford husband, mother-in-law Hanoi trader you should never say, from when the Galaxy on making strawberry, all the chores are due to you. The work of the Ha is busy, but she also had to wake up every morning very early lo water washing, rice, and Ghost, the đủng peak, wait moved down new. rice to eat. There are times that call for extra help you wake up Ghost Galaxy, Spirit calling for headaches is not up.

Once, you Ghost comes home, take you up to play games. Is a slice of my mother my husband thanks to reinforced concrete up fruit for disk Galaxy. HA to open it and you're young to talk, she heard the passing mention sister-in-law so curious. Flexible voice might even retract: "sister-in-law I easy through the face done, I just proved docile smack is thanks to whatever, whatever, please tell. He cleverly, not like she still suffered ... ". Falls off the main Components of what proved to be the monster of Zhao she to deal with her husband. Truth is too high the hand and furtively, as can anyone blame the people polite, sweet talk again as Spirit?

HA should speak this movement does not, if not, can the style will think you find excuse to quarrel with. By the very dimensional Style girls, not to mention before the hour never Spirit do what not with Holland in front of everyone in the family.

HA headache does not know how to resolve with her sister-in-law, ears done this hold.=
