Suggestions or for those unsuccessful new year girl

To avoid sitting through hours of counting days Tet you can reference some of the following:

Watch the movie:

If you love movies and the often hectic day don't have time for crushing the favorite movie, the new year is the time you are disengaged is the movies. You can sit clutching the computer person or hug the top disc to enjoy the films hot today. You have up to 9 other holidays!

Read the book:

The book is also a very good friend when we're sad. Make a collection of the best seller today. When you find the aisle for his life through the useful tips in the book.

The novel leaves a brother, your friends "topsy-turvy" in the years that you have not read the terms? Or you are in need of additional information, knowledge of the array? 9 on new year is the golden opportunity for you to "fill in the blank"!


If you are patient enough and skilled, you can make a product donation of someone you love to express his interest. It can be a warm scarf, or the lovely gloves or spiffy wool hat.

There are many very beautiful knit style that you might be able to learn via youtube or google.   Embroidered cross painting

For many reasons, you do not have the opportunity to try the dexterity, patience, essential eye through the painting embroidery cross. With her "fast fast hand-eye", after the new year holiday, and loving people can already own a fresh cross embroidery paintings, beautiful, meaningful.


From the days of access to this new year, you and your friends Let's sit back, "soak research" the places you've never been away, and even more important is the match time, money bags, ensure safety.

Try to do some dishes delicious, strange:

With the single girl, not a few people like the "truth" with the dish has not had the opportunity to be bringing. But please note, the lunar new year is the time many families prepare the fish meat reserves. So, you consider this for processing, bringing in medium dishes beautifully, easy to eat nutrient-rich medium. At best, you find the available formulas, raw material preparation in the days before the lunar new year.

Meet friends:

This is probably part of the holidays, lunar new year, especially with the girl you're single. Eight funny story, go to karaoke, eating, this will be your chance to meet "half", and is the last new year in a single lifetime.

Visit them:

Maybe this is the time you should spend for the ones around you. Go visit relatives or congratulated will tighten more emotional cord of his family. You can find so much joy in the new year.=
