The hearts of men do not have the word 'forgive'

Weight man)-in the hearts of men never exist two from "forgiven". They really are incredibly selfish and only think for myself.[links]

Hello Ngocthaohp! I've read my share of my sister, and I know you're very sad, regretful about his mistakes. Do not hide anything, 4 years ago I also fall in like circumstances. When he married my spouse was 7 years. Married life I'm smoothly then I see the old lover, "old love not pendulous also come" – should also like many other woman I was falling into the arms of the old lover, forgetting that she is a woman who has a husband. After everything is to the ears, he demanded a divorce with me.

In the hearts of men does not exist two from "forgiven"

I was very sad and really painful, I find enough ways to salvage the marriage , to the father, mother, but all in vain. Emotionless man he did not let me have an explanation and repentance, he caught me up into divorce and chased me out of the House. Worse, he did not give me the right to custody, he told a woman's adultery shall not be eligible for raises, teach your kids. I have to step out of the House after 7 years living with nothing, no money, no children. Shortly after the divorce, my husband was married to a new wife, and the only time he takes the bear for me. She could salvage was the hon, I met mistress with the hope he will break up with his wife and marry me, but he didn't. You said, you couldn't leave your wife, leave me, even shiny wind told me that he didn't like how the husband of an unfaithful woman like me. Worse, he's saying he and the actions of my husband made me understand that man incredibly selfish. They may be adultery, they can "pay cake peeling" and for it's necessities of life should be sympathetic, but they never wanted his wife with a man touched the public, whether for any reason also never accepted.

Even my mistress, who pushed me to the dreary situation, people seduce me adultery, do I also shattered family back "despised" I'm her man lang loàn, ... they made me lose faith in man and understand that, in the heart of man never had the words "forgive". They really are incredibly selfish and only think for myself.

4 years I lost faith in man and not know them any other man. In I always bring an unspeakable anger with the men, because they have pushed me to become as of today.  =
