Want to warm up 'it'? Let's do this thing 4 him!

If you have ever read the garden of mystery (My Secret Garden) of Nancy Friday, you will realize that the relationship, the passion, the desire is the normal things in life but most of us are afraid to tell.

1. open thoughts

The fastest way to enjoy the fun in bed he is having to think openly. It will make you easily express his feelings and considers "it" is really an essential part of life.

Read books about "it". Seriously, you will find knowledge about "it" just like the other knowledge in my life that I need to learn. Moreover, in many of the categories books, different stories, they awaken your passionate about the body and binds the soul.

You realize that other people also have desires as you. Of course. We are all humans with his primitive instincts. If you have ever read the garden of mystery (My Secret Garden) of Nancy Friday, you will realize that the relationship, the passion, the desire is the normal things in life but most of us are afraid to tell.

Try new things. We are not going to try to do things that make you feel uncomfortable. Try making new things that other people introduce or you are advised to do.

2. oral relations never outdated

Have you ever seen any guy not to like you below him? Could this not happen because every guy likes oral relationship. If you need to add spice to the story of his bedding, don't ever try this relation type (safely). You will see sunsets! It's better than the traditional style. With him as the search again in a new paradise.

3. Start with the finger

And now let's hone some skills refined by using the little finger. Stimulated by the fingers is an integral part of foreplay. Use your fingers to collide on the sensitive points on the body, such as eyes, lips, chest, skimming lightly on the back, ears, and both ... The irritation with their fingers just like the electric light flow will awaken your senses and people. It is the language of love is not the word that is not the girl would also understood and applied effectively.

4. Experience the new posture

The diversity of the same posture as the dish for a dinner party. The more parties, the more desire to be tasted. Only when you experience new dishes to satisfy. If the guy doesn't take the initiative? The time has come for you to act. Make suggestions or provocative guy guy to two people in his own party and do the new dishes to your table!=
