When daughter massage ... get married

I was 27 years old that no one dạm asked. This mom I fear than death because of his illness.

Anyone in the House also expect I soon get married, lay for fun, fun house doors. They worry a, but I'm also impatient, than everyone thought. But getting married wasn't easy. Furthermore has got, I follow you to a restaurant job in massage so busy the night always. For free space is rolled out to sleep. Also men? Forget about them! People come here to relax and talk bad wives. I'm with the Lan, the same Approach his homeland was sick of the stories waste time, but because of the currency should be attempted stood by to keep the legs.

Time passes really fast. And out of a few years, mesmerized money was coming of age 27, crashing about and I pulled the leg out of nowhere. Kids stop seats. Someone recommend trying to do to get the area, wait for the engine to get you something nice do foot shuttle and live old-style human NGAI married, non lay took a child. Life is some. I do not wish it, to have a real family with a husband of the main positive language list. So I decided to leave the restaurant, massage on the City District opened a grocery shop with meager capital area of copy in the rubble last year.

Truth is, I did the right decision. Because only half the following year, Ms. rice which I am quite familiar already to the offer and to talk about his brother into driving in rental markets. I tried to keep her tumultuous emotions on his return. That is, a guy than I come near a dozen years. People often say, regardless of the man would have been counter adjacent to the 40 years that has not ever married, if not then the fan base is also very carefully calculated. Hard living. But anyway I have also accepted the invitation to learn.

Incredibly, when met, I can't see you, but on the contrary, agile and smart, deft. Day, without driving away tenants retrieved or goes to the temple, you are my help sales. There are times, he gave me ten million to more capital goods area more. We are close to each other. He expressed love and wanting to marry me. I'm like socks are yellow. Everything you are about to set off, following the instructions I am about to visit family, in the other side of the Black River. Or, as my mother from the permanently sick. Her out and going around the countryside to offer her their daughter's wedding. The day was fun, although I do not doubt his luck again, to the world.

People crowded to congratulate, wish the couple happiness I long teeth and silver head to the forums, I pile of. Hero also expressed the happiness when put I go greet each table deck to thank her. Must say the Hall above the District really wide. Many sisters run every advantage to celebrate droves and laugh sound like in the market so, juicy, fun, exhilaration. Suddenly, someone called my name so loud, hearing the familiar. I'm back, so it's Spread and method, doing the same in every massage.

A sense of fear in me up. And still more, when startled the Means embarked then hugged Hero, you don't look as familiar to each other was long. I laugh very compelling go to shake hands. The Lan then why don't I charge Clarion news or invite your friends in the restaurant the massage going to the wedding. I tried to pull the two and said don't talk do the massage here. Surprise the Enemy turn to laugh and say, my husband with it ever otherwise a time, three years ago. I told it that rush, spook the hero did not know what I used to do the massage profession should never have revealed.

People then just wrap the tangerines, but in my heart you startled thon blocking because the risk of intimidation. I know the Method. It's real life and still needed or calculate comparison measurement with your friends. Has not at least once in every massage, it used to fight with me and those other people just because there are people who don't even like it. Even when in turn it makes, but they chose her. So then, it sought out and blow khịa coffee maker, do somewhat well. It appears at the wedding made me extremely worried. I'm stalked up the hero to surprise Party asked, why I hid what was doing the massage profession along ... then what Method did everything up. That why we know today I marry that? Sinister. It is true that don't hide what is. ..

People out of. Still have to laugh. Still have to say hello. Still have to thank. But both felt a deep pit was dug available before your eyes. That's right! Up to, I just sit in a corner and beds lu collection silence. Hung also sitting at the table, do not breathe a Word. Piles of envelopes of hard Gospel full of guests on the floor. Suddenly, my husband shouted, as a being who's sticking. I shot myself and found in bitterness. I can't help but say that it is still not late, if the marriage does not deserve you. If you want, I will silence ... of the village, not to stress, as it is a liberation. But not the sentence that provoked my husband.

He hit me as to empty out his rage. Just, just ask, I went solo and was sleeping with who. He also lead extraction because of how I deceived people to lead to this wedding. I try to avoid the slap in the face and grabbing the top of the results my husband's consecutive punches punch up. Do not understand how I suffer and never cry or beg. I sat silent and leave my husband beat to pull over. It seems like after a blow-out, he began to abuse, I still tried abstinence and hope then everything will be better. It was my wedding night.

But all is not as desired. There is the extraordinary call for my husband. The House silent as empty. I sit glassy state of being after a battle helped blow and a night without sleep. My husband can't say no to that, keep going back as a ghost, full of menace. I contemplated going back the other blow and will find a way to reconcile his mood. If not, I will finally Pack away towels on a Sun, no one knows, no one or. Leave any non-marketing world. Back on the silent stillness. Suddenly I thought, I have cheated on my husband, or yourself get deceived. By the local media said, he has lived with it for a long time. It's so cruel. Its presence is a disaster for me. Everything it said to my husband, must have fabricated more so my wedding night so profoundly new.

Think I'm evil and mighty deserve khỉnh Belgium. But you know, I never work too with momentum. In my heart is just a treasure and wanted to have a happy life in the future. But one explanation. As my husband does not believe. The Method as a translucent mirror that he shed so I'm saying how hard to pull back. Thought so, I wrote a letter, saying everything and clearly presented his views to the Hung back. End of the message I wrote, if you ignore everything and accept the call, by not regarded as went. I'm not back to the shop, also did not return to the village with her mother and hope you will call back.

As time passed each day. But every day is a silence. Hope fades off. But I told myself, and a ray of sunshine lights, please persevere, maybe fortunes back on his shoulder. And then there are the nights for the pictures of June days in restaurant show about massage with how unspeakable distress life. The 5 year no less. How people I have met and know how tempted. I have also been forced, or ever intended to charm wealthy men, but then everything is back with a poor body parts and the frustration painful. Many nights his dream away with wings you beard just to get back those hundred thousand Dong. They left, alone again terrible empty with the foul beds. The loneliness and bitterness or disappointment. I'm really scared.

So, when leaving the dark place, returned and was dressed the bride, the result is a vision of heaven. So that it was leaving I go in the blink of an eye, you don't look like a dream. But I still have plenty of hope, incidentally, have the phone Hung up their cheers, that everything began. The past has disappeared in the darkness. Dawn dawn, the same wet plaster chirping Hey, a new day ... I waited in silence to heavy. As intuitive report dream for me, in a night dream sleep under the stars in the night sky white-eyes. There are whispers that, go back and ask, maybe everything will be better both the waiting and silence. The life of tolerance.

So I wrapped a wool scarf red-lined, back to the city district when dusk had just let go. Walk by my shop suddenly see faint lights. Hung waiting for me. My next step, I heard a voice, the same laughter fun. I visit the door look, suddenly stutters blocking because the Method is on the role of first spouse reclining. That is my husband Hung? Do not believe in his eyes again. I bag door step on the pedal of wrath. Both stupor, then tunnel the tunnel proceed straight to as want to eat live swallowing fresh. Can! Remember to match the blow in the wedding night and the bright blade Guo that the Method was once a living two-die with me just because a person to massage, I panic. Red wool scarf burst out and where to fly. My last hope had melted into oblivion. So, I run like chasing ghosts in the darkness.=
