'Woman' is not identical to the noun

(Phunutoday)-wander in one go, I count no less than 20 times the uk the same fucking desk and side table this person person as "woman". Of course, the United States of America from the German's win for the men are miết immersed herself in a place far away.

A woman or a dog are never should be the same species, guys pulled out to germs.

Speech object out the loss of the other survey including the England man and the women.

1. What is a man "woman"

The England man ki bo, Lam, selfish, shallow, whatever ... often being attached to the labels "woman" because of old who said that the virtue is the characteristic of the women. Would be: "man well frivolity, a woman as deeply betel containers built-in", and: "The fatty fat shaft of her round, eating as lightning on eldest structure." In fact, the virtues on the other end just become crude, ugly when you don't man tangent to grab what do Warrior. Back to the women, they will become: savings, like the mind share, know currency closer to stay optimistic, less disturbing, ...

2. Dear husband is bad to say his wife and the women are self-loss police themselves

Brothers, you are using the generic noun only woman I love to cooking obliterate other guys. The unimpeachable British section.

Dear sister, she used her sister's name to major loss of suicide and the loss of suicide themselves. The foolish part secret, sister.

Try to put two sentences together, but this doesn't, see: "kid computer a woman" and "man dog Lam". Have startled bitterly realize the evil equated? Men have a preference is conferred to women, the foolish woman tried to arrange his bunch in the word meaning beautiful.

Stripped more and more woman are pretty docile, washing, good afternoon my husband go to that for the worthy content programming. Stripped as many people know, the more pride make us blind to become the model wife, the mother.

Then, you go get the stripped of beautiful "Lady" to go given the bad man. Then there must be extremely foolish?=
