Women as sacrifice, man as only back

(Men)-women as possible how many sacrifices the men as many valid, the time has come for women to live for myself.[links]

Hello Duchoang, Vanphuc. I've read your article and found it very sad, because he's very selfish. The measured more than calculate, from the damage with his wife enough, from income to work from home, and about gifts for my wife's parents, my parents you also claim to be over.

The time has come to stop women and sacrifice needed to live for myself

I think that, when the man as he did exist, then Vietnam men still "missing the point" in the eyes of women Vietnam. No wonder, the Vietnamese women marrying trends abroad more and more, and the trends still have never stopped, as if people like Duchoang and not subject to change thinking Vanphuc. The most ridiculous is that his Duchoang message: "women like to feel good to know to sacrifice". I think you're mistaken, how many years women Vietnam sacrificed, forgot to take care of myself to take care of her husband and her husband, Danny, as a ô sin. What to do, to be recognized as the woman who "take three", to be her husband and the husband compliments is my wife makes surethe strawberry, Sage, ... to die for and on the take, then?. I'm telling the story about a friend's sister. She took her husband, take care of my husband as from meals, sleep. Go back to top off the dark side of the rice water for her husband and her husband's parents, their children. My husband called, said yes. With her husband's parents, she's also a respect, but the result is when she's sick, both her husband and her husband's family are not care, ask. The worst is, they longer incited the children not to run again for her medications, cure to my sister soon died. Yes, the sacrifice to be something? Anyone seen her sacrifice, who recorded a sacrifice?. The time has come, each woman must change mindset. Her life first because of myself, but not because of her husband, because the lower and not because to be is sure are, docile. Because women as possible how many sacrifices, as husband and how much will it take them back as many valid and considered it as a responsibility, obligation of the wife must make. I think that the man really love his wife, injured his wife who know san shared everything for his wife and is willing to do everything to let his wife be happy without the need to require sacrifice in contrast. And those always requires only the wife's sacrifice is the only form of selfishness, pettiness.

