Women have 'live test' treated like ... throw away

Secret Xmen)-a girl, have sex with her lover before the wedding is common. But if ever the "live test" with her lover, the man she considered throw away.

Sending you Vantrong. p! I happen to read your story, understand the fret of him in this situation. I have a few tips sent to you!. Also like you, I'm not very rigorous stories of women must also virginity until the wedding night. I also see very simple sexual problem, should also not require his wife to a Virgin until marriage, but that also doesn't mean accepting a girl lost, lose to the extent nothing to his wife he lost Weight. He said, "the paper tear also keeps getting marginalized." A girl, have sex with several men's previous lover, when you take your wife could also advance magnet that forgive. Because of love, have sex with each other is normal, too, have needs sex and wants to be satisfied.

Woman live test, such as torn paper does not keep its margins

But a child, but decided to try living as husband and wife with a man other then the result is impossible to accept. This is also a more horrible thing she has ever had a life of her husband and divorced with her husband. Those girls are not different than a torn sheet of paper, take up the sideline. Try asking, as if there's something your friend knows about the past of the people who love him, and not something he actively asked her, what her life with ex-lover never will you be know?. In front of him and his family, she still plays as "good girl", "Virgin", ... Already, she is still cheating, bombast when said that he and who just love living together rather than have sex. What is laughable. Two people who love each other, living together for more than a year but still be yourself, then what is?. Telling the truth to him, two people of the opposite sex not love each other but live together as long as time can also arise from emotional and sexual relations with each other rather than don't say love each other. Your lover is true bombast is a girl, says that is not shy. I think, the girl lived with her lover then just kind of throw away. Some readers say that everyone is wrong, it's right! But the mistakes can be forgiven, can do it again, and there never can be. Why I say so because you think. More than a year the love you live test with other men, they will have sexual relations with each other many times. And what measures they use to avoid pregnancy, and for more than a year, how many times will they go to abortion?

So then can affect the ability to make parents of the love you later?. Or frankly, whether your wedding is about, she can have children?. It is also the thing you have to think of as if the decision to marry this woman. A girl think, and will think about the consequences before acting. What about the love you are a lack of thought, so she knew the action without considering the consequences of his own making. Now when the messy, she expressed regret, and please accept her wedding to her parents for not bringing the village neighbors?. If she know hurt my parents, to know his parents worry about it doesn't matter what the live test when not married. You should be awake, don't let her fall again.  =
