Women that live test is too damaged

A woman is too unwieldy, unfocused in lifestyle "live test as husband and wife with a man before marriage" is indeed too naughty and cannot forgive.

Hi Lan! I have read the mind of you. Understand the fret, the paying of you are having, so I have a few words to share with you like this.
As a man, I am also not too hard on the issue of virginity of women. The only real love sublimating when there is the presence of sex. So a daughter or a son when was love, sex is something trivial.

Cannot accept being a girl not yet registered for marriage but moved to live with a man as husband and wife.

Now I myself also, before coming to my wife now, I also have a deep love affair. And of course sex is the indispensable every time we close. But not for that reason that we moved to live together as husband and wife. We each still have a place in private, a private space, and only come together on the weekends, holidays.

As time passed we noticed that two people are also much work to be done later, learning to be a good job for themselves. Add to that what distance about hobbies, about the perspective of life, ... the two are also different, so we decided to split up in fun.
Then I met, familiar and married my wife now. I think it's no big deal to do I have to bother at all. Because everyone here, all have need for sex, once had a lover the satisfaction it is naturally. Also love that don't fit the breakup would be good for both, then split up, no need to nostalgia.
But I cannot accept being a girl not yet registered for marriage but moved to live with a man as husband and wife. A woman is too unwieldy, unfocused in lifestyle so then indeed be too naughty and cannot forgive.
Moreover, as you mention, the longer you live a lie, specifically when it comes to my husband you now you are not honest with her husband used to live try, which only comes once in love, do not so broke. Thus he newlywed wife you do, so you have cheated your husband the last 10 years then.
If not for a coincidence: he is "the neighbor" is not a friend of my husband, my husband will not know you are cheating him. So then you would trick your husband ever came here. The remainder of this life? It is true that he has eye. The needle in the long coated also mudskipper.
I think a person damaged as you live again, tricks, can lie to achieve your purpose as you don't deserve happiness. Your husband will never accept a wife torn no longer a doubt before the wedding as you. He decided to divorce, you should not hold anymore what to do for the suffering of both. Please accept the truth to each other like life would later pleasant and soothing, serene.