Word of the liver the gut of the husband affair

(Secret Xmen)-women only to see her husband affair, without knowing that the cause would lead to her husband's infidelity. It is stupid of her man.


Stupid woman just condemn the husband affair

Send a married women affair! I am also a man fornication. Read the Center 's sister Huonganh and your sharing Viettrung, I see some of myself in it. Because what you do not hide, I am also a man betrays his wife and child, to run as a woman, but I never feel regretful about that. I never thought that his action was wrong, because if in the circumstances of me, definitely, they will also do so. My wife, a beautiful woman, but she has too much ambition. She always wanted to become a successful woman, and people in authority, respect, be the Chief considerations and promoted to higher positions. So, after my son had just rounded a years, she delegated most of the work the children, homes for sin, and plunge into the job as an ephemera. She goes early, late, but about coming home after the feast is she sitting on the computer. Do not share your work with the ô sin, nor share, what with my husband, don't have time to take care of their children, their homes. Then the trip of her constantly, she went off to the other provinces, most of the Central back to southern, Northern, and even Foreign Affairs. Times would fast then she went 1-2 on the long term, she went all week, half a month. Again, to other times, ...

But don't go looking for the cause why the husband affair

As a husband, wife see drudgery, hard for the family, I also feel the love my wife immensely. Worried for the health of my wife, I have many times comments, and told his wife to reduce your work to spend time with her husband, children, family, ... but she didn't listen. She wanted to make a successful woman, with her, the new work is important. The sister he thought, people get married, get married to do?. To share with each other the hard work, the difficulties in life, ... but with an ambitious wife, always just want to work hard, forgetting family, my husband, then I could share with them or not?. I have stress in a long time. I've repeatedly gone did not want to return home, because do not want to seehis wife photo c being the computer, leaving my father playing together and sleeping together. I have many times, you don't say in home, the idea of his wife will worry, will squeeze me a glass of orange juice, or take off your shoes for me out of the legs and tuck me to sleep, or she will ask me why drunk so I could tell her, ... but all these things she didn't do that thanks to both into sin. Is the man, but several times crying because loneliness in his house, even when his wife away and when she's at home. I don't know if I'll have to do, and in the box, who again shared with sin I. She knew asking for my work in how the Agency, she said to me when I am tired, drink orange juice and cook me food that I like to eat ... and I feel that she is his wife. So we have to come together, and the forward then how are people to know. I write these lines up here, not to advocate for actions of his adultery, nor to ask for sympathy, forgiveness of everyone. That simple, I just want to talk up the long Center that has not had a chance to be the same one. And the mind, can my wife will read it, she will understand that, why do I do so, ... But I still didn't expect, she will forgive me, because just as the other woman, she only sees the results, without knowing that the cause would lead to the "RESULTS". It is stupid of her man. A husband affair  =
