1 foot pencil skirt, 10 type styles variations

Foot of the pencil skirt is a skirt easy to wear and very easy variations. It can bring you lots of style, appearance, different shades. Depending on the creativity, you can even be how many times his pencil skirt. Also we bring you 10 foot wear pencil skirt style below:


That's when you wear the foot pencil skirt of the same shape in sweat shirt. Remove buttons No. 1 and no. 2, wide collar cracking or build up the collar.


Shirt is still but "high gate closed wall" as the shirt style tulle, lace or silk da DAO with intricate pleated, BeO classes ...   The style for the Office that she simply charming.

The personalities

Foot pencil skirt when mix together Austria gives long shape cardigan you a colorful, attractive.


Please test the stations phase beauty bit innocent, young and her fragile Lady with legs pencil skirt and sweater round neck shirt with light such designs.

Young fresh

Any threaded items would when mix along the foot of the pencil skirt, it will help you more youthful.


Mix the feet pencil skirt with items such as denim denim shirt, denim jacket or denim shirt three holes are created an extreme appearance "substance".


The vest shape design very refined long food ideas with pencil skirts when you coat the jacket on the shoulders and stride contingency work.

To chảnh

Don't forget the brightly colored blazer. Blazer and pencil skirts will turn you into her to chảnh if desired.


It's when you mix feet pencil skirt with shirt-top crop types.


Sweater outfit, blouse outfit or oversize t-shirts, more felt Hat horizontal ring 1 and high boots, pierced into the pencil skirt, now you have a romantic look's to step out this Christmas season.=
