5 beautiful free recipes

You do not need to be wearing colorful items, covered with really intricate motifs, to prove your style is stylish and trendy. Sometimes, just go up with a few basic items but choose the style, the skillful color, the harmony, that is enough to impress the opposite.

With the basic items, you also do not need to own the ability to mix & match melancholy, simply mapped according to the 5 "old as Earth" formulas below is beautiful to make no difference.

Oversized shirts + jeans

This is a recipe that you can almost wear all week. Oversized shirts are too easy to calculate, fit with all shapes, ages and available with elegant appearance, mixed with liberal and youthful features.

Jeans are in classics, as long as you choose the fashionable fashions such as jeans stand, wide tube, moderate skinny jeans . then face up will be just beautiful and stylish. When combining oversized shirts with jeans, you will have a simple, healthy set of clothes that is equally impressive.

T-shirt shirt + white pants

Nobody thought that the T-shirts were healthy, slightly mischievous and could be feminine and elegant; until this mix & match item with a white pants.

It is the soft, pure color that will help balance the personality of the T-shirt, making the map set become more elegant and refined, but of course, the liberal and youthful features are preserved. And thanks to the elegant and elegant background, you can fully wear this t-shirt + white pants to work.

Instant dress + mule shoes / sandals

If you've decided to dress up your dress for a walk / walk today, the only thing you need to "think" is to choose the right pair of shoes / sandals. Sneaker, doll shoes, high heels . are all fine but to be cool, airy and well suited to the summer atmosphere, sandals or mule will be a very interesting suggestion.

And to be honest, to never fall into the situation of "nothing to wear", you just need to remember the right form of this dress + shoes / sandals, you will confidently stride from the office to the street.

Shirt / blouse + skirt legs

Although it is very simple, it is rare for her to not love the duo of shirt / blouse + skirt. This recipe is perfect for working but when going out, this is also a very cool and generous option.

The duo of shirt / blouse + skirt is very easy to wear but the appearance is beautiful and most respectable, please lay down the tips such as neatly dressed; choose the dress with the maximum length to the calf, pointed shoes .

Two-piece shirt + wide tube pants

The shirt is sexy, so liberal, but when combined with wide-legged pants, you will have an elegant, elegant set of clothes, and even easily receive compliments about the exquisite fashion sense.

In terms of coolness, the two-wire + wide-legged jacket combo will definitely be in the top, so ideal for you to dress up during the hot and sunny days.
