Body harnesses-the glamorous straps

From a tool of labor protection, the leather straps (leather harnesses) were renovated to become a new trend, the most prominent spring/summer 2013.



This accessory help Crown women's curves perfectly, creating the sexy, impressive. Besides, the type of metal belt also is favored by the looks of it. You can use this item to turn casual dresses or skirts became stylish, exciting and sexy .


With so many interesting variations, body harnesses become strange, accessories for your costume personality. If you're a girl of strong personality, your Favorites, or like what unique, please update this trend right now!


With eye catching design, body harnesses made up charming accents for costumes. Although the metal belt or leather belt this accessory also turn your skirt, jacket became a lot more interesting item.

With body harnesses the background pattern on the white skirt

Simple, feminine accents to dress without the least sexy

Belt with braided also has elegance, charm of its own

Fragile but has also strained-magic

New t-shirts made simple with impressive details

Spotlight on city thanks to impressive accessories=
