Damn cheap Virginity Jade fashion, stars still vạn biodynamic?

Little beauties would be "stoned" much as Virgin Pearls. Although possessing beauty makes "great wall" along the white skin became the brand and the "philosophy" of the beauty world and showbiz people, Ngoc Trinh were still cooking everything. From my face gets cooking clown, spokesman was cooking "iodine deficiency", to being fashion cheap cooking gu.

Since appearing with fashion brands, and add the word "designer" Ngoc Trinh, more intense than the stones being thrown. Many people argue that Ngoc Trinh can not call home is designed by her products are "counterfeit". The dam is copy from the collection of foreign, edit to change a few details and attach a new brand. Not to mention the Emerald lagoon repeated reconnaissance missions 1 bodycon designs boring, the breeze is mostly rather than aesthetic value, value creation.

Ngoc Trinh were fashion cooking "inexpensive", lack of creativity or "replicas"

But even the word of disparagement, the fashion store of the Virgin still expensive Jewels and replicate many shop in the district center of Saigon. The Ngoc Trinh modeling for his brand still makes people crazy, relentlessly and find purchase by her dam, the ear model is wearing. Being cheap as hell, but the Emerald marshes full of virginity was sold on under 3-4 million, which was still crowded nườm nượp.

There is not at least the justification given for decoding for Jade fashion phenomenon. In it there are 3 main reasons:

Ngoc Trinh too good at marketing by body

Try posing the question: If Jade fashion Trinh Ngoc Trinh not due to wear patterns it has known as today? The answer is: No. The Fiery beauty of Czech Carving as Ganoderma, Dieu Huyen, States are pleased to also wear "map Virgin Jewel" song never makes people pay attention as when Ngoc Trinh wears.

If N is not a Virgin, her products have caused loud to the world

The Ngoc Trinh's very own sexy exuding from the body makes people have to pay attention to what you wear on the people. Know your advantages, Ngoc Trinh always the modeling for all of its new products. She is also very hard on an it to the events and is confident enough in the design were the clink "cheap". That's why Pearl fashion jewelry may spread extremely quickly.

The most important thing is, Ngoc Trinh "mislead" people who wear that dress that she wore beautiful and sexy then as she.

Ngoc Trinh fashion hit psychology "love sexy" women's

Are women who don't want to seem pretty sexy Shraddha Trinh, every step of the way as all eyes accrues. So, mark despite how beautiful they still only designed for "template". Also Jade fashion Virginity yet "inexpensive" budget, but anyone can wear because it's simple, just the eyes.

Sexy and who also wear, that is the great advantage of Ngoc Trinh fashion

Popular brand, who does not like?

It is true that the products of the brand Virgin Pearl was picked up the copy of the collection of the world's leading brands. But that is the way that women preferred: incredibly even the dam almost like brand but the price affordable. Ngoc Trinh too good to catch this psychology and the lagoon styled full Macedonian Tomb had frustrated the brand design. How is she?

Popular brand, who does not like?=
