Learning two beauty girls named Linh dressed up in black and white

Do My Linh and Luong Thuy Linh are two queens with many similarities. Not only the same names, both won the noble crown, but the faces of My Linh and Thuy Linh also wear out as if "lost sisters". And yet, the two queens also own a simple, elegant fashion style and often revolve around the two most basic colors, black and white. This is the reason, you will gather a lot of ideas in black and white, just beautiful, not faded if you look at the following set of two queens.

How to mix white shirt + black shirt collar of HH Thuy Linh helps keep warm effectively, very elegant and trendy. The combination with white jeans + black boots ensures an elegant appearance for the overall outfit, while increasing the playfulness and personality for the owner.

White sweaters always look elegant, "west west" and with this style, you simply mix with jeans like HH Thuy Linh is beautiful free table.

Pure white blouse + creamy white blazer are the combination that helps the appearance of the person more interesting, while scoring the absolute point in elegance and elegance.

The queen's outfit has provided you an extremely important information, that the white + beige pair will always bring a clear, elegant and elegant outfit.

Combo short skirt + long jacket and high-neck boots not only exudes a trendy appearance but also helps the wearer to look extremely effective.

When the weather is warm, you definitely do not forget the piercing blouse because "it" will bring fragile appearance, lovely, extremely attractive eyes. As for how to wear the shirt thoroughly, you should learn Thuy Linh, the inside of the shirt with two white cardboard bands.

HH Thuy Linh's slender, luxurious skirt suit made people want to experiment immediately. Choose this outfit very suitable for work or slouch on important occasions. One more thing you need to note, that beige shoes, spearhead is always the ideal companion of white - on - white clothes.

If you encounter white dresses with high neck designs, arms, you do not hesitate to withdraw your purse because this item will bring a very luxurious and sophisticated appearance.

Miss Do My Linh devotes a lot of favor to the black color and she is also very beautiful. Such as the same mysterious black shirt, but when HH Do My Linh chose to hand-carry lightly, the appearance suddenly became more attractive.

This t-shirt + shorts + bomber jacket combo is very personal and equally youthful and dynamic. The trio helps her to show off her slender legs, and for those she owns a modest height, this is also a great idea to hack the figure. Finally, a pair of white sneakers puts a perfect end to the overall look.

Do not wear black velvet dress but Do My Linh does not "age", that is because she chose for herself a short skirt. What is more impressive here is that although the appearance is young but still exudes elegance and arrogance.

Occasionally, Do My Linh also flirted with beautiful white suits, such as this gentle and elegant V-neck dress.

Or like a full set of white clothes including a sleeveless shirt + skirt and tweed fabric blazer of Do My Linh is also the idea of ​​elegantizing style that never ceases to work.
