Mix map simple pole that impressive to go play with a Tet sweaters

The sweater is the item is easy to mix and also very easy to become impressive. Just need a little creativity and a unique twist with the available items such as jeans, skinny skirts letter A or special than chiffon skirts.

The skinny white-gold mix sweater

Still skinny, but only white and yellow. The two colors blend in space this spring and help her become youthful, dashing over. You can relax mix the monochromatic sweaters, coloured according to gu. But don't forget the pastel pink.

Oversized sweater mix skirts letter A

Oversized sweater you wore during the winter. But this new year you need to blowing 1 new breath for it by those skirts A youthful, feminine the same boots pits. You can also add to the hair dye colours "cool" to lighten the image.

Chiffon skirt legs mix sweater

Trend on the East under this summer is no longer new but still useful in this spring. Select a matching chiffon skirts to wear with such lightweight sweater. You will not be sweeter and more romantic.=
