Protective clothing against rape

 Red jeans have mounted electronic press equipment of two female students in India. Photo: Nypost

Two female students Diksha Pathak, age 21, and Anjali Srivastava, 23 years old, came from the city of Varanasi, said they were mounting a electronic buttons on the inside of the trousers to send signals to the nearest Police Department if attacked. This device has the effect as the track, so the police can come straight victim.

We have nearly 200 police stations in the area have been fitted with modern technological equipment to receive the emergency calls from those jeans comes on. If the test in the coming months, lawmakers will adopt this technology across the country.

"We has this idea for a long time," Pathak, is currently a student of science, speaks with Central European News. "My father often worry every time I go somewhere late. The rape case in recent times made me and your classmates are very shocked. Hope there will be no more women would be attacked if they wear the kind of pants that we design ".

The battery of this warning device can be used within 3 months, while the price of jeans is just 43 cents (equivalent to more than 80 thousand).

According to the statistics of the Government of India, for 22 minutes a the attack happened in this country.=
