Shine with mustard yellow colors that are both brilliant and beautiful


The brightest color gamut in the spectrum, yellow represents happiness, optimism about new directions. But new mustard gold is a symbol of youth and dynamism. Imagine the costume you wore with yellow mustard in the summer sunshine. That bright color will definitely help you stand out.

Mustard gold is also favored by top stars in the entertainment industry. From attending the royal wedding ceremony to the red carpet event, why does the world completely attract the reporter lens by choosing outfits.

Amal Clooney dressed in Stella McCartney's yellow dress designed for the wedding of Princess Meghan and Prince Harry.

Rihanna is featured in an outstanding yellow dress during the launch of Fenty Beauty cosmetics line.


Still know the warm color always has strong attraction but to create comfort for the wearer, you need to pay attention to the fabric material. Especially in hot sunny days, the choice of material also helps this color to reduce the heat, giving the wearer a pleasant feeling but still "shining". Silk, linen or rough tails are very popular materials during the Summer.


There is no need for a 'golden tree' but just a few accessories dotted for the outfit, you can stand out from the crowded street. Mustard gold is a floating color, so taking advantage of this color as a highlight for clothing is an advantage.

Skillfully using hot colors as a highlight for the whole outfit.

Zendaya cleverly used the scarf with the same color as the skirt.


Mustard gold is a color that is easy to combine and not too picky. However, in order to not look 'deviated' and fall into the 'human wear' situation, you should still pay attention to some ways of combining costumes. For people with dark skin, mustard yellow can be combined with neutral colors such as white, black or gray.

No need to put a lot of colors on the outfit, you just need a few different highlights like black eyeglasses or white handbags to make the yellow dress more prominent

The downside of yellow mustard is that it can show some defects on your body. Therefore, the appearance of the 'from top to bottom' gold outfit does not seem to be a good idea. You only need a small but big attraction like high heels, handbags .

One of the effective combinations is to choose a prominent highlight on the basic overall background.
