Shop shirts dotted bi for spring to come

The dot is the classic textures extremely familiar fashion, but not so old that it's old, and fad. In contrast, fashion dot bi trend is a new always always stylish, always beautiful.

Austria dot bi is one of the very outfit to wear, whether you are fat or thin, high or low. Advantages of this iterm is to help you become slim, lively and youthful than the few most years.

A dotted shirts bi only fret is the color with the wearer. You need to select the dotted shirt bi fit your skin. Her brown skin should avoid large red or green ball dot shirt. Meanwhile she has white skin should choose the dotted shirt had brilliant colored marbles.

You can easily distribute bi dot shirts with jeans, skinny, denim shorts. And should select the type of texture is not smooth because the dot motifs on own shirt was enough make you stand out.

You can also click the small more doll shoes with dots or bi bangles dot bi to become more lively.

Look the shirt design dot ball fit for next spring:=
