Wear the cardigan in the spring how to not be 'ngốt'

Choose thin cardigan

The cardigan sweater that thick or cardigan evening outfit time to fold and store away. To spring, you should only use the kind of thin, thin or wool-like cardigan fibers. On the one hand still help you keep warm, on the one hand you do enough relief, Subhadra and dynamic.

Neutral colors

The warm colors cardigan medium cause you were brilliant "ngốt" just hard to mix. Neutral colors or subdued light will make you sweeter, and material of the spring.

Mix cardigan with map summer

This is the time for you to show creativity and tastefully. Cardigan very Italian with intermittent United bullshit letter A shape for the summer, the shorts or maxi dresses play da tone quality. You should choose cardigan thin moderate altitudes with high socks or boots, the dog will be cooking is "fashion than forecast".

Take advantage of the cardigan long designs

Cardigan designs usually makes you hesitate even sunny days because think it somewhat cumbersome. However, if you are an short shorts with designs or cardigan outfit jeans + pull neat it will be incredibly impressive.=
