Wearing crop top featured as Pearl to Trinh

(The trend)- For waistline and flashed his ants, Queen of sexy Virgin Pearl have chosen Austria crop top, did you?

Style crop top jacket has been and is predicted to be will's hot during summer 2013 this year by the sexy, glamorous and extremely young, very fit young girls.

The crop top shirt waist breeze floating compact designs are becoming the trend of extremely hot summer this year. In addition to the advantage is fashionable, young and sexy, this also scored points by the comfort, active in the summer and very easy to mix.

Crop top doesn't mean your entire abdominal region in the breeze. A lot of improvements have been made to this trend. Now it means a fresh new look through your waistline.

To show off his Ant-waist, sexy Queen Virgin Pearl have chosen Austria crop top, did you? Learn how to mix Free of this map:

Crop top shirt with pink, Turquoise Trinh full breeze was his Ant waist.


Ngoc Trinh choose crop top with a discerning he Carved his Czech election.


The crop top as black ton more of this girl's charm.


Crop top, black jacket with matching baggy pants motifs help spans the Virgin's feet.


Ngoc Trinh really stand out with top black shorts and cropped jackets.


Fresh, young and still sexy is what the crop top gives Virgin Jewel.


Yen Ngoc Trinh also learn Page with the cropped top.


Narcissus also was in shape after birth due to crop jacket tapering waist top.


This is also the summer's hot trend this year.

Wish you choose be consistent with his shirt.=
