10 things the great cavalry charge when placing the altar must avoid

1. Do not place the post wall unit

As if the statue of Buddha need new wall good, should not set the position of the wall post. According to the perspective of geomancy, this layout will affect money and may be the destiny of life. The case has put the article on the wall between the post of the ancestors and the wall should be a little space.

As if the statue of Buddha need new wall good, should not set the position of the wall post.

2. Should not set the direction of the altar with the direction of the House

The direction of the altar if against the direction of the House will make the family discord, even, will probably have no son.

3. Should not be placed around the altar with doors

The sides of the altar should not pulse with the door or the road, from the door, door to door toilet or kitchen doors are not, as the door to the toilet and the kitchen door, by, it will affect the shipping world as well as the health of the family, vulnerable minor human harm.

4. Don't be a 10 things the great cavalry charge when placing the altar must avoidss to the altar

The altar on the left hand side, especially the need to always clean and neat. By, trash or other unclean animals will affect how the transport, health and education of the whole family, including my son, who will bear the greatest influence.

5. Do not place your right side altar

If the latest electronics on the right altar are committing suicide of white tiger, easily leads to the unfortunate thing happens. In this case, can put into place other electrical appliances, the most recent a double fin retire10 things the great cavalry charge when placing the altar must avoidnt or long attributed to the right of the altar to neutralize.

6. Not to map the bottom of the altar

Should keep clean the area beneath the altar, the furniture should not be piled in this space. Most are electric or aquariums are not advised to stay below the altar, because caused 10 things the great cavalry charge when placing the altar must avoidntal decline or asset shrinkage. If most recent map in the bottom then it should just be a compass.

7. Do not put the altar near the kitchen and bathrooms

If the altar is behind the stove, will create a very heavy police fire, other Feng Shui influences of family, making the family's shipping is not stable or decreasing. If placed at the altar with the restroom will have no sin in gods and ancestors, making family 10 things the great cavalry charge when placing the altar must avoidmbers vulnerable to health problems.

If not can put in another location between the altar and the kitchen or bathrooms should leave a void. At the sa10 things the great cavalry charge when placing the altar must avoid ti10 things the great cavalry charge when placing the altar must avoid, should put so10 things the great cavalry charge when placing the altar must avoid Feng Shui mascot on the wall behind the altar to neutralize. With this case, the most appropriate mascot is 6 strings, Green for money is money and money is a record string of 6 Soles.

8. Do not place the altar below the horizontal

If the top of the altar is horizontal, it will produce gas pressure monitor, making family 10 things the great cavalry charge when placing the altar must avoidmbers often suffer from headaches, leading to a nervous breakdown, even, can affect both the maximum in the family.

9. Do not put the altar in the bedroom

Diets put the altar in the bedroom of the couple's room especially because of losing the dignified, respect.

10. Do not place the altar suicide.

By according to the conception, bathing is the unclean, so Andy, if placed next to the altar this place will lose air.=
