1001 tips to clean the kitchen to clean the smell of the smell make the whole family compliment the bride

The kitchen is often a place that accumulates a lot of bacteria, if you do not clean it, it can make the kitchen dirty and potentially many diseases. However, if you are always busy just take a few minutes a day and follow the steps below, you will have a clean kitchen as quickly as possible.

How to clean the kitchen wall

The kitchen is the place that needs to be kept clean and arranged the most neatly, so the cleaning should be placed on top.

This constant cooking with a variety of foods, spices, and oil so the kitchen walls are often dirty is unavoidable. To limit this situation, when cooking is finished, users should clean it when the stain is still new and easy to clean. With old stains, the following ways can be used:

- Use lemon: Take two lemon juice, soak into a damp cloth, wipe up stubborn stains and leave for 10 minutes. After that, clean the cloth with a towel.

- Using cornstarch: Mix powder to catch with water and splash on spots with stains. Allow cornstarch to dry naturally, then use clean bread.

- Use vinegar and baking soda: Mix vinegar into baking soda, soak this solution in a towel and wipe up existing stains on the kitchen wall. Hold for about 10 minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth. Or you can use baking soda to clean the wall.

Shelf and kitchen surface

The kitchen cabinet is a place to store dry food, kitchen utensils or sweets . To clean the kitchen cabinet, you need to throw away the expired items and use a wet towel to thoroughly clean the top, bottom and two. side cabinet to remove dirt or bread crumbs, .

You can also use a sponge and soap to clean the kitchen sink, then wipe dry with a cloth or paper towel.

How to clean the gas stove

The gas stove is a device that is easy to adhere to grease and food during the most processing of food, so it needs to be cleaned regularly. However, the gas stove often has small details, so it is difficult to clean the normal way.

First of all, prepare hot water, dishwashing liquid, sponge, multi-purpose cleanser and paper towel to clean the gas stove.

- First, take the bowls out of the kitchen and place them in the sink. Pour boiling water directly onto the stirrup to remove grease and soften stubborn stains.

- Block the sink drain, pour hot water over the bowl, add some dishwashing liquid. Soak for 10 - 15 minutes.

- After soaking, if you find stubborn stains, use a little multi-purpose bleach on the sponge and then scrub again.

- Finally, use warm water to rinse off and drain. Use a paper towel to dry.

Stainless steel

Mix a little vinegar or lemon juice or salt into the water, apply a clean towel to the mixture and start cleaning the stainless steel. Note, with the fire or stains you should clean in a circle, the pot will be shiny like new.

Wash frying pan

To wash the frying pan with a non-stick coating, pour water into a large bowl, fit the pan over.

Add a few tablespoons of dishwashing liquid and a handful of sodium carbonate, then place the bowl and pan on the stove, boil for half an hour.

When the water cools, remove the pan, rinse it under the tap, and then clean it carefully.


To clean the microwave, use water with about a tablespoon of vinegar, put in a small cup and place in the oven. Next, adjust the hot temperature to about 5 minutes and then clean as usual. You can also sprinkle some salt into the oven, turn on the oven and when the oven cools, use a warm sponge to clean it.

Clean the smell of garbage in the trash

When you open the trash, the smell of garbage is really unpleasant. Try putting some lemon peel in the trash, then rinse it with cold water to get rid of all the odor.

Help sink sink less foul

The sink also often smells bad. Do it the following way, pour the vinegar and lemon into the ice mold, then put it in the freezer to use slowly. Vinegar will break down food particles, while lemon will leave a scent for the sink. Every week you should also add a piece of vinegar and lemon to the sink drain tube to keep the sink clean.
