13 things not so absolute breeze on social networks

1. People love

Many of you for that breeze lovers up facebook to your friends "certified" sentiment is one thing should do. So will more trust and love have friends "testified" it is difficult to break up. In fact, you should only share conversation for those who you really trust. If to "public" mode on facebook then you should not. Because few people can seek quietly split sentiments of 2 you.

Many of you for that breeze lovers up facebook to your friends "certified" sentiment is one thing should do.

2. The assets

Limited posted the photo flashed money, home, savings book. You do not know the others are "scams", especially the strangers on facebook. Moreover, limiting the breeze is also avoiding trouble on themselves. You don't want so13 things not so absolute breeze on social networksne to borrow you some money, which you then "can't tell" because of the breeze trót?

3. Achievements

You learn how, skilled ... It should only be for the employer to know. If you're good, you show off, many people will pry, envious. You are not good at, you breeze, you'll be talking bad without knowing.

4. The views of others

On facebook, just post a question you hinted, hundreds of people will be startled. Whether you have upset so13 things not so absolute breeze on social networksne, it's best to keep in the Palm to avoid discord.

5. Family affair

When you say the problem related to the family, you also indirectly hurt themselves.

6. Stories of work, colleagues

Whether you are a security measure used to go to this, then what about work and colleagues always easy cause you missed the fastest. Your colleagues always have "eyes" everywhere whether you are friends with them on facebook or not. The work environment is not big, so shiny you just wind, people in the can still understand what you say. The best way is keep or share in the personal group.

7. Are where, doing what, with who

Should only write to facebook after you and others have to leave that place. Not always write on facebook all activities. Other people know where you are, what to do, also quite dangerous.

8. Home address, phone number

With these you trade online, the best way is to use the private phone number for the trade. If not by the store, also should not be given home address. If have missed for home addresses, should not openly personal photos.

9. Space in the home

Breeze strangers space in your home is one thing extremely not recommended. Know where guys are waiting for a absences you to "break" when you inadvertently reveal indoor space means creating favorable conditions to name arose bad intentions.

10. Negative emotions

Others may be happy with you, and can also be affected by your negative emotions. No one likes to read these lines with status forlorn, sad, while causing you sad sometimes is just the anecdotal stories.

Facebook now no longer be secured as much as before. Your just a little careless, who suffered the most is you.

11. What are your vacation

"I will go on holiday on December 25 to, go to Rob my house going," that's what you're saying for criminals on social networking know when you post about your vacation plans or update the pictures you are vacationing. It is best to wait until the end of the holiday and you are back at the safe house that let's you upload photos or share about his vacation on the network.

12. Specify the name of his children in these pics

The great habit of many Facebook users now routinely share the pictures or video of their children on the social network without even knowing the harmful effects of it.

Many couples also share your name, date of birth of your child when the baby has just died or is still in the hospital. In addition they often mark the names of relatives, his friends in these pictures.

The information shared on the social networks can easily be bad guys take advantage to seduce your child by using the baby's name as well as the name of the family to create confidence, help your child learn a better way.

If you are required to submit the photos of your children or you like to share photos of their child, then take away the personal information such as: your baby's full name, surname, date of birth of the baby. In particular, you do not need to write your child's name on the photographs by all of your friends, acquaintances, ... all know it is your child.

13. Upload the images ... cannot accept float

Maybe to you it's totally comfortable but with some people it is very difficult to accept.

Of course, if the want to keep a good image in the eyes of the people around them as well as to avoid these problems, you should not post pictures of her sensitive to Facebook. What a beautiful day you will be fired simply because ... posted nude photos onto social networks.=
