13 things the great cavalry charge in the wedding required you must know

1. wedding proofing when the Diets are mourning

And must wait until the end of the new funeral is held, usually the children are mourning their parents three years to mourn his grandmother grandson 1 year. Because the wedding is the wedding, is a big event should be postponed to avoid this disadvantage, bad luck for the couple. The wedding run tang can also perform but it will make your wedding takes away the joy.

The wedding run tang can also perform but it will make your wedding takes away the joy.

2. wedding proofing Diets on hours, days, months, years of bad

This is probably the first proofing diets, most importantly because the wedding is very important events in the life of every people should except for unforeseen circumstances, you need to read about the hours, days, months, years and years of good copy for both spouses to later meet much luck , happy, eating out, do so. Now eat date asked, the procession the bride, ceremony must be good. In particular, people also abstain wedding proofing in kim long in which the bride has a number of years with the tail is 1, 3, 6, 8 to avoid the risks in married relationships such as marriage breakdown, children rarely late, hard, ....

3. Diet taboo mother bride bride procession participants

In the procession people diet taboo mother bride's appearance because they fear the bride wearing the rịn concept necessitates removal of the House according to the mother tongue at the same time fear daughter-in-law and mother tongue creates powerful overwhelms mother-in-law.

4. bride look taboo Diets top left behind when the procession of the bride

In the meantime, that the bride was only looking forward only, absolutely not spinning back home her parents because they do that, the husband will hardly teach daughter after this at the same time those wearing rịn will make the bride not caring attentive husband chore.

5. the disruption of hydrophobic Diets weddings

In the wedding, as is on the fun of them and have 2 very important eastern h customers should also unavoidable however you noted yourself because people abstain most proofing breaks a mirror, broken glass or broken chopsticks. H is the sign for married life will not smoothly, ease of separation ... If in the wedding that happened what so then people are very afraid, even the term award ceremony to do again, so have had healthy diets, you should remind everyone in the room to avoid it.

6. bride-proofing Diets appear before the groom on pickup

According to tradition, on the day the House boy to catch the bride, the bride must sit in the room, closed the door.

According to tradition, on the day the House boy to catch the bride, the bride must sit in the room, the door closed and absolutely not allow boys to see relatives before the groom on wedding flowers, welcome and guide the bride out greet them because people do conception charm will be lost.

7. Diet taboo mother groom standing in front of the door to welcome the bride

This proofing diets to avoid things going the conflict later bride mother-in-law. Until his first ceremony daughter-in-law home my husband my mother new husband appears.

8. Diet taboo pregnant bride goes to the door

The bride was pregnant when her husband home not to enter from the main entrance that must come from next door or a house party. She says the concept if the pregnant bride went to the front door will do eat should not, so pregnant bride must go back into the House.

9. Diet taboo the "vía heavy" are not on the front room kissing

Wedding room is important to the couple to start a new life, therefore, people who are not following proofing diets on wedding rooms include: women's widow, who was pregnant, who had broken marriages, the rare late children, whose mourning ... to avoid this disadvantage Unfortunately, for the new couple.

10. Some proofing Diets items not available in the wedding room

Includes items go broken, wine, prickly plant (Cactus), decorative dolls, old items, mementos of the old people, the image of other people, other types of weapons, sharp objects, because it affects the gas of the couple, according to Feng Shui, it created negative air, not good for starting a new life somewhere you need to pay attention.

11. Abstinence prepare the altar his first sketchy

The altar is the ancestor of every family, the majority of parents are worried about whether the thoughtful, to ever catch the bride, the Bride Groom with parents of the same sides will burn incense on the altar of reporting with the ancestors.

Customised wedding day condition which presents his first Church Committee, but remedies are abstinence presentation altar sketchy. That is often how Marquis (clean) clean the Board, presentation of the measures taken in beautiful items, full trays, cosy family first deck, the minimum items such as boiled chicken, sticky rice, wine, fruit, yellow, code ... The main ceremony to celebrate in the ancestral altars have enough divisions posted fruits.

-In the Middle when the son came to have people do head tomorrow. Holidays include: fruit, sweets, betel and areca lamp pair coincides with the size lamp on the altar.

12. Abstinence when picking strawberries go through the bridge, fell 5-7, 3-fall brides don't throw away money, salt, rice

When picking strawberries go through the bridge, fell 5-7, 3-fall brides have to throw rice, salt, change down. This custom function, ramp ahead of the couple will always goes well, wealth ...

13. When do Diets that have held wedding ceremony

Here's what abstaining is for proofing the home girl. Typically, the son will assign the wedding day is based on the agreement, the consent of the bride. Fed asks family, the two sides will assign a last time on the wedding day. Before the ceremony, the boys can invite relatives, friends wedding near and far but the bride's only been invited after the ceremony, if not will be cooking is "funny", "no one's asked that married".

However, today, to save time and cost, many families are often hosted eating and instant wedding day the bride should unavoidable the wedding invitations before.

Wedding room should particularly note some problems

Wedding room is important to the couple starting a new life in need:

-Wedding Bed need to buy new beds (should not take old beds).

Wedding bed need to buy new beds (should not take old beds).

-The spread of flowers for the wedding bed to thanks to good people maximum (a middle-aged woman, there average to warm family happiness, have enough sons, daughter) spread the flowers help, so expect the new born baby healthy, easy to feed.

-Wedding taboo place some items such as: in the room not map broken, wine, prickly plant (Cactus), decorative dolls, old items, mementos of the old people, the image of another person, the weapons, sharp ... for fear of affecting the gas of the couple.

According to Feng Shui, it created negative air, not good for starting a new life.

-The "vía heavy", the widow, the women Quartet label (only women get pregnant), who has a broken marriage, the rare late children, who are mourning ... not on the wedding rooms to avoid the disadvantage, unfortunately for the new couple.

-Diet taboo for others to sit on the bed.

Still very much taboo, but diets can leave Italy in diets avoid spill, break because is not good omen for young couples, most taboo is broken mirrors, broken glass or broken chopsticks (if that occurs then the couple will crash, disharmony, separation should be doing limited award ceremony).=
