20 life skills not required but who says you have to know

1. When food is chewed, closed mouth, don't eat tell

Polite when food is chewed, closed mouth. No one wants to listen to the sound nhồm nhoàm that you are emitted during the 20 life skills not required but who says you have to knowal at all.

No one wants to listen to the sound nhồm nhoàm that you are emitted during the 20 life skills not required but who says you have to knowal at all.

2. If the queue, get the phone, one is talking fast, two step outside:

In the culture of the line to buy, don't bothering a phone when it's your turn and the rear got a long queue of people waiting.

If the work is important, let's step out and make weekly for those behind

3. Don't tease, using vulgar words to the waiter:

Let's do a guest politely and don't try to tease those who will serve for you.  4. Don't suddenly stop on a crowded street  5. When a train stops, let the people in step out and go to.

Jostle just makes everything tangled up.

And there is also an unwritten rule in the use of the elevator.

6. A minimum of decency should * provided * a * space with others when using public toilets.

7. do not build on a bench on a crowded bus.

8. Don't invade other people's space.

9. When to go Super competition, if not needing any more items, make sure that you will put them right back to the original position.

10. Don't think you smart when driving on the car.

Don't you think that smart when driving on the car.

11. Replace a new paper roll if you are the last person to use the toilet paper runs out.

12. the minimum presentation skills is don't read what have on presentation.

13. If you share with other people, not to give them a future husband not washing dishes.

14. the last sweets in the candy card should be moved back to the person who bought it.

15. General use 1 public socket you should not occupy most of the socket of others like this.

16. Respect yourself

If you do not respect yourself, then there are other problems. Respect yourself 20 life skills not required but who says you have to knowans you can view yourself from a number of different angles, and by watching yourself from these different angles, you will have the possibility of greater awareness that you are, and you will also be able to beco20 life skills not required but who says you have to know the person you want. When you can undo, and understand that you have made these things happen, you will have the ability to control his life.

17. Wholeheartedly when working

We live in an era of very hard to concentrate and focus your attention on so20 life skills not required but who says you have to knowthing. If you can develop this ability, you will beco20 life skills not required but who says you have to know skilled in everything you do, and you will enjoy the beauty of each mo20 life skills not required but who says you have to knownt. Not only improve the relationships in your business, you improve both your personal relationships.

18. The focus

Focusing and working relationships with each other. To succeed in today's world, you must learn to focus on the important stuff with you.

Well, this is easier said than done, because all of us are vulnerable to impact, but learned the art of focus can allow you to succeed in business, study, or in any other fields that you select. To have the skill focus, you must have the ability to practice, and practice a lot.

19. Listen

For many of us, the ability to listen has almost disappeared. Today we are living in a society where it seems like everyone wants you to listen to them, but few want to listen to you. We all know that listening to others can be very uncomfortable, but this may bring you a lot of power, because people will feel comfortable and trust into you. The first step in becoming a good listener is listening to your inner being. If you are a good listener, you will beco20 life skills not required but who says you have to know a husband/wife, is an employee, business partner, and the parents are downright amazing.

20. Memory

Our brains carry more power than any super computer on the planet, and most of us still have not fully exploited the potential of our creative abilities. Memory is one of the most important functions of the human brain.

The ability to recall important information, as well as to store information in 20 life skills not required but who says you have to knowmory, is an important skill that most universities do not teach his students.=
