5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towel

Versatile paper towels can be used to wipe, wipe the chairs, the small appliances in the House. However, there are places you absolutely never used paper towels, if don't want to spoil things in the House. Carolyn Forte, the Director of a laboratory at the Institute of hygiene, has launched the list need to grasp for the housewife.

1. Eye glasses

Paper towel does not damage the eyeglass fra5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towels that are eye glasses.

Paper towel does not damage the eyeglass fra5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towels that are eye glasses. "Today's glasses always have a coating that if using a dry paper towel can leave small scratches stains," she Carolyn share. So, re5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towelmber to wipe the glass with a dedicated towel is soft fabrics used by doctors Ophthalmology offers.

2. Wood dust

"The dust and paper towels will wear the surface layer on the surface of the wood". Dry dust associated with the paper towel will not rub a piece of sandpaper over the family's furniture, exfoliate the top layer of Paint ball. Therefore, sanitary towels, wet cloth should be used furniture to avoid exfoliate the face paint and wooden facial abrasion.

3. electronic devices

Paper towels can damage sensitive surfaces such as cell phonescreen.

Paper towels can damage sensitive surfaces such as cell phone screen. Use a small piece of cloth and alcohol to deep cleaning electronic equip5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towelnt.

4. Stain on the carpet

Use paper towels to wipe the carpet will only make the stain deeper into the cloth fibers are deposited and chips paper ragged out sticking to of the hairs, wool fibers. As for the carpets in the House, she was Carolyn recom5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towelnd using white cloth to seep (do not rub) the stain.

5. dark gowns

"When you use a paper towel to wipe off stains on dark fabric, especially in black or navy, it can leave the paper fiber on canvas. Paper towels were wet for a more horrible results ". So, if there's dirty clothes off stick trót, use a clean cloth to wipe.

Harm from the use of wet paper towel

Wet paper towels cause risk of breast cancer, infertility male

Electronic knowledge quoted Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh, Deputy Director of the National Center of drug information and track response to drugs or harmful, "the family had many different substances such as Parabens Methyl Paraben, Ethyl Paraben, Propyl Paraben, Isobuty Paraben, n-buty Paraben. Whatever else about the chemical origin but the nature of them are the sa5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towel. Previously, scientists had 5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towelntioned the paraben cause harm to the user because there is research related to breast cancer, male infertility ... This harm was reviewed in the drug because it is absorbed directly into the person, however on the wet paper to use on the skin are not recorded.

In another perspective, ass. DR. Quang Huy, Faculty of environ5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towelnt, University of natural sciences, National University of Hanoi said that previous paraben as a cos5 things forbidden wipe with a paper toweltic preservative used widely because of fungi and bacteria-resistant properties. However, in recent years he has taken the research shows the relevance of paraben with the health risk to human beings, especially wo5 things forbidden wipe with a paper toweln. Specifically, it is found in tumors of breast cancer have this quality. At the sa5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towel ti5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towel, paraben can cause male infertility, the causes of early puberty in girls. Not only that, the ability to irritate the skin when used as well as increase the likelihood of getting more sunshine was recorded by scientists.

"The proposal shows, paraben use on skin surface penetrant and will accumulate to cause harm. Although this is not proven but also warnings for the user to avoid ", PGS. DR. Quang Huy said.

New research findings, the wet paper products usage can cause children to suffer painful rash, itch on the skin as chemical preservatives. In particular, the researchers of the United States of A5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towelrica for wet paper types or, in on the market today usually have a preservative called 5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towelthylisothiazolinone (MI) can cause allergies to so5 things forbidden wipe with a paper towel children. This is the substance that makes spike dangerous allergic reactions are found in most beauty products.=
