7 things diet taboo when the gift you should know

1. Never get sharp

The rectangular gift lẻm colors, like a knife, saw blades, daggers, knives, paper knives, pincers vertical drag, sword, ... be sold on the market more than what we are seeing.

Makes the best gift so edges do not mix storage and be blameless because they affect to the friendship of the person-the recipient. A sharp iron material, the way the look of Feng Shui, which is the source of the harmful gas buildup (Shar Chi), so when you give someone a gift like that, meaning that you accidentally bringing bad luck to you.

2. Not donate watches

Western culture prefer the clock and "toward the" gifts of this type of decorative accessories: alarm clock, Wall pocket or wrist.

In China, the clock has an important role in the counting of time or indirectly refers to a person with limited life cycle.

However, in China, the clock has an important role in the counting of time or indirectly refers to a person with limited life cycle.

Besides, by the phrase "for/donate watches to" read up "phrases like" funeral according to the Cantonese, Chinese, so the clock in the country is considered. Perhaps the Chinese, of course, also not sold in the souvenir shop. (However, this culture does not appear in Hongkong or Disneyland).

3. Not donate commissions

Donate commissions for the icon is going to love .

Donate commissions for the icon is gone love, but whether the United States has donated to the Red Rose full of gritty?

The longer the rose pink spikes as sharp, also means the relationship around the rose that never heal.

If you only want to show her love with the lover she donation a bunch big velvet hip, romantic, but it was viewed as the start of the last phase of a relationship.

According to the science of Feng Shui master Lillian Too, the pink rose cream or gold is the best option, replace that red velvet because they create energy powerful link in the emotion love. In addition, it should be remembered foremost rose thorns pruning away before you donate it to someone.

Taboos red velvet flowers and pink and white for the patient is in the hospital. There is an unspoken tradition in hospitals in the uk regulations do not allow anyone to donate white roses, red, or any other flowers for patients.

Even when United if was sent to, then well be thrown away immediately to make sure no petals that can touch the patient. Sent to a bunch of red roses and white, means you are sent to the patient's wishes for death.

4. Not be allowed to donate shoes

Cantonese Chinese pronunciation of the word "comedy" (shoe) sounds like sigh, signs of various his fear and unhappiness. Donate shoes, just like knives, gift givers it will bring misfortune to you on every step of the way.

5. Not donate hand towel

Hand towels appeared in the culture of the traditional gift for a long time. But according to Lillian Too, also traditionally hand towels are often used to wipe sweat and tears, that evoke the suffering and frustration of people who use it.

Feng Shui for that when you yourself a Hanky, well that means you were anticipating the times crying and suffering of people in the future. This action born of bad air.

6. Not donate underwear

With females, that gift is preferred. But at this point, if you choose to donate her gift, her own miserable because you will not know her use her favorite color, size, style would.

At the same time, if you donated her underwear she will easily confused are you went too hastily. You will be her who is attributed to have dark soul when attaching it with elements of physical intimacy. As such, it is very possible you will make her angry.

7. Should not donate gifts available

Can you buy that gift from long ago, can someone brought gifts but you don't use. Or maybe last year you too busy no time to go picking gifts. At the moment, you think could make use of it to bring back gifts for her.

When she receives gifts that may not yet have what happens. But, if followed, your relationship and her progression. Gradually both a connection and share with each other many things have happened in my life.

In time, she accidentally learned the truth about the origin of this gift, the consequences you have to suffer it is worse. Because, with the female, at the time of the new year is extremely sacred. When she discovered the "leverage" to despise her in celebration, then you will never be forgiven.=
