8 smart tips sticky blood stain removal on fabric, bed station

Blood stains are very difficult to clean, especially when infected stick out clothes, mattresses, beds, train station. This is a huge obsession for my sister when every month to succumb to the days of discomfort. However, with 8 ways here, you will find yourself at least 1 consistent way to purge the stain of blood, or at least blurring to the maximum level.

Blood stains are very difficult to clean, especially when infected stick out clothes, mattresses, beds, train station.

How 1. Permeability before wipe

-Remove the sticky area opaque color with a clean cloth moistened with cold water. Note do not use warm water because the blood will infuse more deeply into the fibers of the fabric.

-Impervious to stains again. This time, however, use a dry cloth to absorb moisture water remaining from the wet cloth.

-In the process of absorbent, do not rub the stain. In this case, the delete-rubbing can cause the stain to spread over or sink deeper into the mattress.

-Repeat the process until the blood stain repellent disappeared or nearly opaque. If the stains persist, try the following methods. You should consider trying a gentle blood stain removal method by cold salt water before trying the strong method behind.

How 2. Salt water conditioning

-Mix 2 teaspoons salt with 1 cup of cold water and then poured the solution into a spray bottle. Again, note that it is important to use cold water because the water is hot or even warm water can also cause permanent blood stain stick on the buffer.

Saline injection into the blood.

-Saline Injection into the blood. If you don't have absorbent white cloth, spray with water and salt solution to it on the sticky area. If the stain is large, blood began to wipe the edges and fade into the Centre-this way helps stain does not spread out the clean around the region.

-With a dry cloth to absorb the blood. Repeat the process of spraying and blotting until the stain disappears or cloth dry blood no longer absorb the blood.

-Use an absorbent cloth to wipe clean cold water.

-Use absorbent towel dry the last time. If the stain is still visible, try one of the other methods.

3. Detergent and water

-Mix 1 tablespoon of water to rinse the bowl with 2 cups cold water in a large bowl to create a detergent.

-Soak a clean cloth in a solution of white and then pressure up the stuck dirt.

-Gently used a toothbrush to rub stains. Note the hand-rub lightly and do not rub the spread to the surrounding region.

-Permeability using a piece of cold wet towels. Repeat the process for grinding and permeability if necessary.

-Use a dry towel to wipe clean. You make sure that the mattress should dry completely before continuing use.

4-way. Ammonia and water

Ammonia can clean the blood stains on the mattress but you should avoid using this method if the wool fiber mattresses.

-Mix 1 tablespoon of ammonia with 1/2 cup cold water. Pour into spray bottle.

-Spray the solution onto the stain and let stand 5 minutes.

-The dry cloth and seep into the dirt. Repeat the process of spraying and blotting until the stain is gone, or blood.

-Use a damp cloth with cold water to wipe clean the rest.

-Use a dry towel to wipe clean. You make sure that the mattress need to dry completely before bringing into use.

5. Peroxide

Moisten the bloodstained region with a 3% peroxide and let stand for 30 minutes.

-Moisten the bloodstained region with a 3% peroxide and let stand for 30 minutes.

-Absorbent foam with a dry clean cloth. Repeat until the stain of blood disappeared.

-Use an absorbent cloth to wipe clean cold water.

-Use absorbent towel dry the last time.

How 6. Baking soda

Chemical properties of baking soda or salt pills have the effect in the blood stain removal. Moreover, the baking soda is very safe and not expensive.

-Mix 1 part baking soda and 2 parts cold water.

-Apply a cloth soaked in a solution up on stain within 30 minutes.

-Use a damp cloth with cold water to wipe clean the rest.

7. The softening meat powder

In the blood contains more protein and meat softening powder helps to decompose protein, have the effect of excluding blood stains effectively. Meat-softened or powder was used with small volume meat-softened or bloom dumplings.

-Mix 1 spoon of flour with 2 tablespoons cold water in small bowl. Stir to form a crumbly mixture.

-Most recent mix up on the stain for about 1 hour.

-Clean the dough with a cloth. Use a damp cloth soaked in cold water to wipe the sticky back.

The way 8. Salt and peroxide

-Mix 2 tablespoons cornstarch, 1 tablespoon salt and 1/4 cup of peroxide in a bowl into the dough.

-Use a spoon to apply the powder over the sticky part dirty. Wait until the powder is dry again.

-Scrape away layers of dry powder by spoons.

-Use a dry towel to wipe clean.=
