9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone know

There are many 9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone knowthods to keep your silver jewelry always shiny without wasting too much ti9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone know. Here are so9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone know simple but effective 9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone knowthod to the consu9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone knowr can proceed with silver jewelry from the things that are in the family.

There are many 9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone knowthods to keep your silver jewelry always shiny without wasting too much ti9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone know.

Silver tarnishes

Pure silver is very difficult to oxidize in normal conditions, 9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone knowanwhile, silver alloy will oxidize more prone, as silver alloy of copper. Black money is due to a combination of silver with sulfur, forming silver-salt black precipitate insoluble sulfur sticking on the surface of silver. The cause is by reaction of silver with sulfur-containing substances. Sulfur-containing substances in the air, in the hot springs, and most important of all is in the sweat glands of humans ...

So long not to wear silver, black can still be as normal if you place to Silver-containing air in sulfur compounds.

How to make silver jewelry bright

1. Lemon

Take a lemon after having squeezed water, along with a little salt, add so9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone know water and then drop jewellery into boiled until clean dirt.

-Step 1: You boil the water along the salt and lemon

-Step 2: Drop jewellery into the module. Note: to see the jewels was cleaned of dirt, you can take it out

-Step 3: Use velvet cloth polishing jewelry again.

2. wash the rice Water

This is a very simple way, but helps to map bright silver longer.

-Step 1: After the wash the rice, you hold a little water to wash the rice concentrate

-Step 2: Drop jewelry in water wash the rice is being boiled.

-Step 4: Use SOAP, rinse the jewelry,

3. Soap and sulfur

-Step 1: Use SOAP

In addition, the families still shower or use SOAP, so you will not find it difficult so that can clean the surface of the jewelry with SOAP.

-Step 2: Use sulfur

However, the sulfur is not the family would also be available. You can mix with water in the ratio of sulfur water 100 ml: 20 gr sulfur to rinse.

-Step 3: Rinse the jewelry with water

4. Wash water jewels

You can find this kind of water in the supermarket.

-Step 1: Used wash water or jewelry hot SOAP to wash the jewelry

-Step 2: Use a towel to dry, wipe the back of jewelry

-Step 3: White li9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone knowstone powder mixed with ammonia. Note the mix mix is in the form of lakes, should not to dilute.

-Step 4: Lather the mixture has just taken up the surface of the jewelry

-step 5: wait for the solution on the surface of the jewelry back, soft towel dry clean until the jewelry has a ball as new.

5. the existing Powder to lighten the image silver jewelry

The existing powder form is a type of industrial chemicals for washing. In the imple9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone knowntation process to lighten the bặc jewelry, you should avoid to contact with chemicals. How to do the following:

-Step 1: Have shaped current powder into 1 liter of water

-step 2: Soak jewelry about 3-5 minutes in the solution.

-Step 3: Rinse with water and then use light wipes for the stains away.


-With the kind of jewelry much more essential, more rock then you should use a soft absorbent fur ball table SOAP. Then each small detail brush.

-When not shiny jewelry like new, you can wipe back jewelry, oil and air.

6. Use a brush and toothpaste

You need only use of toothpaste, s9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone knowars are up on the surface of silver jewelry, to a ti9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone know and clean the back of jewelry.

Toothpaste not only has the effect of making shiny and protects the tooth from bacteria, it also had the effect of light on the jewelry. You need only use of toothpaste, s9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone knowars are up on the surface of silver jewelry, to a ti9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone know and clean the back of jewelry. You will see his bright jewelry than at the beginning.

7. using vinegar

Mix vinegar with baking soda, flour, use soft towels or sucking retrieved mixture polished silver utensils, to quiet for 3 hours.

You can also use this recipe to make luminous silver jewelry. Should rinse with cold water.

8. the results of the Bo

In addition, you can use the fruit crushing locust, soaked in boiling water, wait for the bubble, soak silver jewelry, then rinse with clear water to wipe dry. The results are very good. The North Wing, sand-like drugs only in remote also works for silver jewelry such as locust. Or use a solution of oxalit acid to soak wash F255 50. Oxalit acid are easy to find.

9. Nail

New silver jewelry purchased on, can obliterate all a guest with oil for nails, just increase the shiny, just against the dull. When want to cleanse this oil layer, can be used for water perfu9 tips to lighten silver jewelry not everyone know pepper (root nitoric) silver jewelry to soak for a few minutes, then rinse with water to Lü Bu.=
