9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to apply

Turn off the electrical device is not required when away from ho9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to apply

This not only helps you save a cell that also helps in indoor space cooler due to the limited amount of heat radiating from electronic devices. Specifically, rather than just press the mute button in the controls, you must withdraw the power of television, fan ... and just plugged them again when back ho9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to apply.

This not only helps you save a cell that also helps in indoor space cooler due to the limited amount of heat radiating from electronic devices.

Closed the door before you go

Before leaving ho9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to apply, don't forget the main door both closed and the window to limit the hot sun shining into the room. If your glass doors, don't forget to cover your curtains or pull the Sun blinds outside to help inside from being the lack of heat.

"Cover" the water off the floor

For the houses located in the sunny and hot against inferior (as level 4), before the exit, you can "experience" a thin layer off the floor to limit the heat cleaning the floor. However this can only apply to the ho9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to apply less stuff, fewer electronics and have the marble tiles.

Just open the window when it was off the sunshine

Once ho9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to apply, the opening is very necessary to exchange the air in the room.

Once ho9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to apply, the opening is very necessary to exchange the air in the room. However please note open only in the direction of the House not been doused or when Sun was off sunny.

Turn on the fan, turned smart conditioner

The cooling the House by conditioners result is very easy because you just hold up and turned cold. However to the cooling efficiency and save electricity, you should apply the rule to 7 degrees C (i.e. heat level regulator with lower outdoor temperatures about 6 degrees C) and add along with the fan.

The cooling the House by conditioners result is very easy because you just hold up and turned cold.

With no air conditioning, you put the fan in the corner of the House cooler for and then turn the fan to the wind direction out of the door to the cooling 9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to applydium, have just chased the hot air out. Absolutely should not put the fan in the direction the wind is blowing and hot on the inside. In addition you can also buy a few ice trays to front of blower or suitable moisture generators to create cool atmosphere for the House.

Cleaning with cold water

Also still use water to cool down to the floor but to cool down the House more intensive, you have used the help of ice.

If the floor is marble, apply a thin layer of ice spreading out to the floor and let it dry naturally, if the wood floors, you are forced to squeeze the dry rag to avoid dampening the wood floors, but can wipe away the MOP back several ti9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to applys to reduce the floor temperature.

Also still use water to cool down to the floor but to cool down the House more intensive, you have used the help of ice.

Use foam and insulating film

This is how fast and maneuverable for you to cool the House without air conditioning. The type of material is usually pretty much selling in stores for building materials. You just buy foam and film with the right size and the building exterior wall areas of strong sunshine is ho9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to apply to have much more cool.

Insulation for roof

For other types of houses, because often only a façade, rows on three sides so the heat of the sunshine into the House mainly from the roof. This can be done by closing more false ceiling with the specialized material against heat, slightly porous bag plaster insulation.

Clean the cooling device

Cleaning the cooling equip9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to applynt is also the way to more cool ho9 ways to cool the House within 10 minutes of cheap easy to applys. Ceiling fan, electric fan stand, fanning rocks .... should be wiped clean of dust, more grease to work well.=
