Cooking fish should be stocked in boiling water or cold water to avoid fishy: The unexpected answer is not everyone knows

Preliminarily processing fish to not be fishy

To remove fish from fish, first clean fish, scab fish, and wash off all viscous substances. In particular, there is a black membrane in the fish's abdomen, which is the place that contains the most fishy matter.

Next, use the following ingredients to remove fish:

Soak with salt water: Use salt water to wash or use rubbing salt on fish or soak cleaned fish in cold water mixed with a little vinegar, or mix in some fish with pepper or bay leaf. Thus, when cooking, fish no longer smell fishy.

Soak with fresh lemon juice: Use fresh lemon to squeeze water, soak fish for a few minutes, then clean as usual. The fish will be clean and not fishy.

Before cooking, you can marinate 2 tablespoons of white wine. After processing the fish, it will end the fishy smell and smell more fragrant.

You can also soak fish in milk. Milk not only helps to remove fishy smell but also makes fish meat more delicious and sweet.

If you cook fish today, when you cook rice, you should leave the rice in the water. After washing fish, soak it in water to wash rice. Rice water not only helps deodorize fishy fish immediately but also makes fish softer and tastier after cooking.

The sour spices such as star fruit, lemon, batch, vinegar, tamarind . cooked with fish will reduce or remove the fishy smell of fish, so you just need to use these ingredients to cook together to suit each dish.

Cooking fish should be dropped into boiling water or cold water so that it will not be fishy

When cooking fish, you should drop the fish into the pot when the water is boiling so that the fish will not be fishy because when the fish is released into the boiled water, the fish will ripen immediately outside the skin. At this time, there is no dissolving acid in the water, reducing the fishy degree.

Use aromatic spices such as pepper, onions, chili, ginger, laksa leaves, vegetables need, galangal . to match fish dishes to reduce the fishy smell.
