Cooking melon soup to add 1 more thing to this, make sure the pot of fragrant and fragrant soup, both delicious and surprisingly cool


- 1 melon fruit, some fresh shrimp, 1 piece of tofu, some green onion

- Half of egg whites, half a spoon of corn starch, some cooking wine

- Salt, white pepper, chicken seasoning powder just enough


Step 1: Shrimp peeled, dropped, washed. Use a knife to double the back of the shrimps vertically so that when cooking, the shrimp have a better shape.

Put the shrimp in a large bowl, add half the egg whites, half a spoon of corn starch, a little cooking wine, mix well, marinate for a few minutes.

Step 2: Melon peeled, sliced ​​to taste. Thai tofu into small pieces. Small onions.

Put the water in a pot, bring to a boil, put the shrimp into a boil until the shrimp turns red, remove the shrimp.

Put water in a pot again, pour in the melon, boil it, then add beans, cook for 2-3 minutes. At this time, put the shrimp in, then add 1 tablespoon of salt, some white pepper, some chicken seasoning powder, cook 1-2 minutes then turn off the heat. Add green onion.

Ladle soup with soup and enjoy. Thus, cooking melon with shrimp, beans not only makes the dish both sweet and nutritious, it is very cool, please try it!

How to recognize simple loofah

1. Based on the characteristics of recognizing incense

Incense sticks often have round cylinders, about 25 - 30cm long or may be longer. White loam meat when young, when old, the meat turns into loofah, hard and black seeds. There are 2 types of popular loofah is melon and melon melon, different from the flavorful flavored melon, the aroma of the buffalo is not fragrant and sweet and soft with the aroma.

2. Based on external appearance

- In order to distinguish the melon and the melon, you notice the size of the loofah is usually smaller and longer than the buffalo loofah.

- Loofah with bright blue shell and melon buffalo with dark green color, on the fruit there are also bold stripes.

- When unprocessed, the aroma has aromatic flavor, but the buffalo is not.

Often, the plantation of incense tree will be fruitless with buffalo but it has a softer aroma and sweetness.
