Discover 4 tips from beer to help clean, delicious food, the mother-in-law is hard to admire

Tenderize meats

In the nutritional composition of beer is a great option if you want to soften the meat without changing its flavor. Housewives put meat in a plastic container and add a few tablespoons of beer, marinating the meat in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, you will be able to enjoy a really tender and juicy steak.

Lighten furniture

When the furniture is dull, pour some warm beer on a soft cloth and rub it on the surface of the wood you want to polish. When you do this you'll see unexpected results, your furniture will look as good as new.

Beer tenderizes meat

Repelling harmful insects

In the composition of beer contains substances that help dispel troublesome flies from food. The simple method is to simply pour some beer into the glass, cover it with foil and puncture to make some small holes. When the flies will be attracted to the smell of the drink and will enter but they will never be able to escape.

Lighten metal objects

The composition of beer is low in acidity and this is perfect for polishing metal, such as aluminum pots and your jewelry.

Beer helps furniture shine

You just need to pour some beer into a cloth and rub the metal objects you want to polish and soak for a few minutes. Then, clean them with a cloth, you will be very surprised to see your metal items become shiny again like new.
