DIY salt pepper dots help more great food delicacies

Special fruits are acidic fruits such as grapefruit, mango, Toad. salt roasted peppers together dot always particularly attractive sisters. You ask yourself how to let everyone enjoy, contribute more attractive for these fruits need to dot the salt.

You ask yourself how to chili salt for everyone to enjoy.

Salt pepper is a spice mixture is many people's favorite. Salt pepper has many types: type used to grill meat; the type used to Grill fish, the kind used to dot the meats, fish and seafood grilled peppers; and also to type dotted fruits, fruit ...

Salt pepper seed:

Is the type of chili salt often used to bake the fish, such as red peppers, grilled sculptural eels baked salt pepper ...

Characteristics of this type of chili salt is to retire salt and fresh pepper seed, crushed, mixed with other spices to marinated fish. Because fish often have the fishy smell should use this chilli will use salts of fresh chilies to pungent fishy smell of fish.


_ 1 teaspoon seasoning salt, 1 tablespoon granular, 1 tsp sugar, 2 tbsp Chili, 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper, 2 tablespoons cooking oil, salt, lemon pepper.

_ Horn Peppers: 1 fruit, chilli: 3 result, garlic: 2 cloves

How to makespicy chili and garlic, crushed: for lemon juice, seasoning, salt, sugar, pepper, milled seed Chili, cooking oil to mix well. It then marinade over fish, so little time to infuse and then baked.

Green chilli salt:

To grill, Seafood is also a type of salt, green chillies. Green chilli salt has 2 types:

-A chili sauce, often form salts is to seafood.

-Dried green chilies Salt has how to do the same as above. But instead of using chilli red horns, the Green horn peppers used, or Dalat bell peppers to create color.

For more delicious, depending on the purpose of use that we can add the spices: dot chicken then add the Kaffir lime seafood, then just add chopped cilantro).

Salt pepper fruit dots

-Salt crystals

-Garlic, chili

How to do:

-Prepare the garlic, chili pepper to taste like stilts sui doses more or less spicy. Finely minced chili peppers and garlic and mix well with salt. If you like you can add MSG for help.

-For the mixture of salt, garlic, chilies to saucepan, bring up the dry FRY cookers.

-Next take the grinder for grinding smooth vegetable salt, let it cool. If not using the Blender you can for salt on millstone smooth also. Storing salt in a jar sealed to be used gradually.=
