Eat bananas, do not rush to throw the peel, do this you will see the magic effect

Reduce itching caused by mosquito bites

If you are bitten and itchy if there is no insect repellent, immediately search for a banana, using the inside of a banana peel to rub the bite will help the mosquito bite to stop itching immediately instantly.

Banana peel cleans shoes

Tooth whitening

When you regularly drink tea or coffee that makes teeth discolored, you can use banana peels as an effective remedy to help you get a bright white smile again. You just need to rub the inside of the banana skin thoroughly with your banana brush, then brush your teeth normally. Then you will see your teeth extremely clean white.

Shoe polish

When you want to clean your shoes, rub the inside of the banana scrub lightly on the shoes for a while and wipe with a clean cloth, make sure your shoes will be shiny again. The banana skin will make the dirt lose its shine, making it simple to renew the shoes with the banana peels you are about to throw away. Take the inside of the banana lightly rub on the shoes for a while and wipe with a clean cloth, make sure your shoes will be shiny again.

Banana peels whiten teeth

Get rid of warts

If one day you see on your face one morning when you wake up, you notice a nasty acne on your face, don't worry, quickly get a banana, peel off and rub the face. The inside of the banana peel on the wart, wart will disappear immediately, giving you a smooth, smooth skin.

Clean the water

According to the research of scientists, the composition of the banana peel contains substances that absorb the toxins in the water to make the water cleaner. Therefore, when you use banana peels soaked in poisonous ponds, it will make the fresh water back to ensure the environment.
