Feng Shui for homes to family happiness and luck

Bedroom Feng Shui solutions below are recommended for anyone wanting to search for the love of true life or want to preserve marriage happy as always.

Please have the tip about Feng Shui to your family is always happy!

There should be no glass in the bedroom

The couple's bedroom owner should not have the glass, the glass is right opposite to the bed. Faculty of Feng Shui that have glass in the bedroom as the third, making the couple from place or discord to break up is something that can happen.

The House should not build toward the five Demons

The House should not build toward the five demons, this is the direction that the couple often or discord, quarrel each other every day. That's one of the seed makes happy gradually broke down.

The couple's bedroom

If the House has a U-shaped form, you should not put the couple's bedroom in part two next letter U: bedroom set in this position will make the couple often have thoughts and conflicting actions, from which the spouses or discord and gratitude dầ gradually faded.

If the L-shaped form and have a L-edge is located near the road, the overhang should not put the couple's bedroom in this area. The bedroom set at this position will make for easy husband circumstances put the push, such as work, because the envoys ... and then arise out of private sentiments.

Should not put the couple's bed right under a tree, that tree this SOAP ' split ' the couple's bed right in the Middle vertically. That's the sign of a possible cut to come in the future if it does not know the way to neutralize.

Hanging letters Hy in the bedroom

The couple should hang the word Hy in the bedroom, because it is a very nice icons courtesy of happiness in marriage.

The appearance of the word Hy in the bedroom brought to the positive power source invigorating for marriage was old, is slowly cooled, the lack of excitement and communication ... Hang the pictures show his happiness also helped to create the energy of the happiness.

Use the icons in the fire to tame the anger

To tame the hostility, conflict, misunderstanding, anger caused by the No. 3 star, you use Fire energy by red paint walls in the affected area, installation of lamps, red carpeting or hanging paintings in red.=
