Fry the eggs and add 1 drop of this: Scrambled, fragrant, golden eggs, 2 as many as 4


Putting some fresh milk into eggs is considered by many housewives as interesting culinary secrets.

Method: First, dissolve 15ml of fresh milk with 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper or you can estimate, for every two eggs, add 1 teaspoon of fresh milk. In another bowl, beat the chicken eggs together and add the fresh milk mixture to the egg bowl, beat well.

At this time, you heat 30ml of cooking oil and then add the green onions into the aromatic, then you pour the beaten egg mixture into a small fire without cover the pot so that the eggs are slightly drained. When the eggs are almost done, you skillfully roll the eggs.


Create a rich aroma: You smash the egg into a bowl and add a few drops of white wine and proceed to fry normally. Wine will help eliminate the fishy smell of the egg and make it smell good when frying. Make sure the egg plate will have a very specific aroma.


Before whisking, adding a mixture of 2-3 drops of lemon is also a good way to fry the egg. Lemon put on eggs will help the eggs after morning soft porous, characteristic aroma and beautiful yellow color.


If there are several pieces of butter in the refrigerator, do not hesitate to add to the omelette and beat thoroughly. When the butter melts in the egg mixture, it will create a 'buffer' between the proteins in the egg, making the omelette egg very soft, smooth because the egg proteins can not adhere to each other.

Note when eating eggs

Egg dishes are used regularly in families but not everyone knows how to eat eggs properly and is healthy. According to Eastern medicine, eggs are not compatible with the following dishes:

- Eggs combined with pig brains will raise blood cholesterol, sudden hypertension, more dangerous can lead to death.

- After eating eggs, you should not drink tea water because tannic acid in tea leaves will combine with protein in eggs to form tannic acid protein compound, slow down the activity of intestinal peristalsis, prolong the time of stool storage in the intestine. This is the cause of constipation, increasing the risk of storing substances harmful to the body.

- Do not use eggs with sugar or eat sugar right after eating eggs because the body is difficult to absorb, not good for health. The housewives often use sugar to win over the meat - egg store to create beautiful colors, but the protein fructose amino acid in eggs combined with lysine will make it difficult for the body to absorb.

- Many mothers morning to eat fried eggs with soy milk cup to get enough quality or give milk after eating eggs. But according to nutritionists, soy milk is rich in vegetable protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals . but the protein in eggs can combine with trypsin in soy milk, making the process of protein breakdown are hindered. reducing protein absorption rate, can also inhibit activity, affect digestion.
