His preserved food in the fridge, everyone must know

Modern life, who was also busy, made many people only go once a week, markets, food containing, preserving in the cool and prevent stones to use gradually.

However, not all food preservation are the same, and storage time of how to not lose nutritional value, the more people don't already know.

His preserved food in the fridge one must also know.

Milk and dairy products in the bottom shelf

When the refrigerator door open, temperature fluctuations will occur at the largest. Many people will put in the milk on the shelves first because it is easy to see. One of the basic rules of food storage is for milk to be kept on the shelf below, in the back because that's where the coolest. The milk will keep for longer because at the lowest temperature will slow the growth of bacteria has been killed by pasteurization process.

For the same reasons, the dairy products such as milk, cream, yogurt and cheese. You should stack up boxes. With the kind of soft cheese or butter, you get in the door or on the shelf because they don't need maintenance too cold.

Fruit juices should be to the bottom shelf

If the fruit juices to the normal temperature for long periods will be vulnerable to ferment and spoil. So, should store them in the refrigerator to keep for long. Most types of fruit juice may be stored in any position in the refrigerator. However, any kind of fresh fruit juices should be placed in the bottom shelf to be kept cold even more, the juice was fresh for longer.

The eggs should be left in the Middle shelf of the refrigerator

There is a thought that does not need to preserve eggs in linen cupboards. However the British expert said that the eggs should be refrigerated and kept in the Middle shelves where the appropriate temperature (0.6-2.2 degrees C) to the bacteria in the egg shells do not have the opportunity to infiltrate in lung cancer-causing and eggs broken egg. The chef for the Queen of England is even advice that you should buy the eggs with a little amount of pliable easy storage.

Vegetables and fruit should to in the bottom of the refrigerator shelves

Fruits and vegetables were preserved in the refrigerator can properly save the value of nutrition and vitamins in it. Furthermore, two types of foods need less moisture and do not need to preserve in temperatures that still fresh so you can preserve the vegetables in the bottom of the refrigerator and not need to in the coldest place is a drawer in the fridge.

The best way to preserve fruit is keeping them in packaging or a plastic bag and put in the refrigerator. Do not wash the fruit (vegetables) before putting into the refrigerator to keep fresh vegetables are longer.

Must know how and time to preserve food science and good for health.

Besides that you must know how and time to preserve food science and good for health.

-Before giving in to the refrigerator preserve, wrap with nylon bag sealed to avoid infection, and reduce odor in the refrigerator.

Nine food-want to spend to put right on the fridge slows down is 4 hours after fry cook. When the need to get out of the refrigerator to eat right to not more than 4 hours.

-The live food such as meat, fish ... want to spend long time to take off on the fridge, not to slow more than 4 hours. When taken out of the refrigerator are processed immediately.

-Does not contain too much or frequently opening the fridge: A freezer full of food will cause excessive air circulation difficult, slow cooling process.=
