His Thai spicy eyes no onion


Please put in refrigerator before cutting.

The operating refrigeration cells respond more slowly when cutting. So, let's put in refrigerator before cutting, peeled at least 30 minutes or leave them on the icebox in round 10-15 minutes (depending on size of onions).

Using potatoes

Use a rub of fresh potato slices up 2 sides the knife, then cut up the onions, chili without worry of being spicy eyes

Cutting onions under water

Cut the onion under water or under the tap water will also help significantly by water will dissolve the sulfur compounds before they can reach your eyes.


Lit a candle so close your cutting board.

Lit a candle so close your cutting board when the Crown to the amount of heat radiating less sulfur may withdraw from the onion.

"Shut up" bread

There is a little trick, that is if you suck a slice of bread (or any kind of food) while cutting, you will not be spicy. This tip is derived from the concept is if you do something forced breathing by mouth then nose section will be less irritated and so you will at least be watery eyes.

Continuous chewing

Chewing gum or any food in your mouth. This will encourage you to breathe by the mouth, from which-less the drops of li ti before we fly up to your eye.



His Thai onions never spicy.

Spray the vinegar-water mixture chopped up with a 50/50 ratio by vinegar can stop the reaction of sulfur. If the mixture is not effective, try just using vinegar to spray onto the cutting board. However, this can affect the taste of the cooked onion.=
