How to tell the beef, pork 'entrapment' expels worms.

Pork and beef are the two foods are essential in daily life. They all provide abundant nutrients for health. However, the fact that both the beef and pork are all at risk of being infected with Fasciola gigantica. If ingested, would threaten to human health.

The harmful effects when ingested pork, beef infection

According to the information on health and life, the beef was infection, cysticercus bovis is the scientific name, pork infected with cysticercus cellulosae called t.

These symptoms when ingesting beef, pork infected with Fasciola gigantica is digestive disorders such as abdominal pain, indigestion.

When we eat is pork or beef containing the larva expels cysts when not yet cooked, when the larvae penetrate the body, goes to the stomach, the outer membrane of broken furniture, at this beginning of Fasciola gigantica is free, and continues to attach to the mucosa of the small intestine, develop into mature t only after 2-3 months.

These symptoms when ingesting beef, pork infected with Fasciola gigantica is digestive disorders such as abdominal pain, indigestion, feeling nausea, vomiting even even burned furniture.

More severe cases can cause the body to lose weight, muscle weakness, severe anemia and nerve disorders, negative influence to the intestinal flora in the body.

Get to know the beef, pork contains many

According to the news report on the young intellectual, a very simple measures to detect the pork or beef meat cut infection is being under tension along and observing, looking along the fiber. If you see the pieces of meat have the white spots to the top by kim that's piece of meat has been infected with trichina

A sign shows the pieces of beef, pork infected with Fasciola gigantica which is the yarn or fiber oval to by rice, white or grey gold lies parallel to the grain.

Also, when you see the pieces of pork, beef has a hard feeling when touch, there is no elasticity plasticity or sticky, not soft because of possible piece of meat has been marinated, urea or contain the weld.

When you see these signs, you need to remove immediately, absolutely not to be used.

How to eat beef, pork safe?

-Absolutely do not eat beef, pork or re, have not been thoroughly cooked. Note to eat right after cooking is complete, avoiding so long, can create conditions for other bacteria to invade.

Absolutely do not eat beef, pork or re, have not been thoroughly cooked.

-Avoid to contaminated cross between nine and feed live feed with the surface being soiled. With the tools for processing of meat beef cans, life should be washed clean like knives, cutting boards before using for nine other food.

-Wash your hands clean before and after cooking, especially after every interruption to other work. When you hand infection please carefully and tape sealed stain infection before processing.=
