Pocket a top-notch power saving tip that is very simple, no matter how hot the summer is

Regulations to disconnect the power outlet

+ There are two ways to disconnect the device. The first is to press the switch, the second way is to unplug the power cord from the socket. The first way is not absolute power disconnection because there is still leakage current flowing through the switch. Only the second way is to disconnect the power completely.

These are simple and effective ways to save electricity that you can study to have a suitable method of application, which will be very effective and save you a significant monthly expense. Wishing you success with your savings plan during the storm season.

Turn on the air conditioner at the right temperature

When using air conditioner, you need to adjust the temperature accordingly. Air conditioning should not be used at temperatures that are too low and require electricity to harm health. According to calculations, every 5 degrees Celsius reduction, air conditioner will consume about 40% more electricity. In addition, turning on the air conditioner and turning on the fan will save 10 - 15% of energy consumption, regularly cleaning the filter, will save 5 - 7% of electricity. Do not place the device near the wall, thus consuming 20-25% of electricity.

Before you leave the room, turn off the air conditioner earlier about 30 minutes or 1 hour to reduce power consumption and the cost of power-hungry equipment this summer.

Unplug the device when not in use

In your family, many electronic devices such as computers, televisions, sound systems, . still use electricity even when turned off. While this number is not high, consider taking them 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for a long time.

Use the refrigerator properly

Experts said that the refrigerator should be placed in a well-ventilated and restricted area, and around the refrigerator must be at least 10cm away from the wall to escape heat. In addition, limit the opening of the refrigerator continuously because of this, the refrigeration unit must operate more, causing more power loss. In particular, avoid opening the refrigerator many times when it is not necessary to ensure that the refrigerator has been automatically disconnected before. Should be cleaned and stored regularly to avoid snow over 5mm thick.

Buy wide pot bottom

+ If you use an electric stove or an infrared stove, you should choose the type of pot with a wide base so that you can cover all the heating circle of the kitchen surface, avoiding wasting heat source.

+ Should choose to buy a stove with 2 or 3 cooking rings to suit all sizes of pots.

+ Before cooking, it is necessary to dry the pot so that the stove does not have to use extra heat to dry the pot.

+ Install a light bulb between two rooms
