Pocket the secret to making delicious fresh tea tea prepared extremely simple but more delicious than outside

Material: 2 kg of plum digging (buy VND 30,000 / kg), 1 kg of sugar (half red, half white), 3 lemon.

How to make delicious peach tea

Step 1: Preliminary digging

- Training to wash and rinse, then add 4 or 6 to soak in diluted salt water to avoid being browned.

- You peel off the peach shell to avoid crushing.

Step 2: Making soaked peach tea

- You put 1 half of sugar into the pot with a little water and then win the cockroach-colored sugar and add about 800ml of water and the remaining sugar continues to stir.

- When the sugar is boiling, add the dipped peach to the boil. If you want to crunchy, just cook for 1-2 minutes, if you want to train more softly, you can boil for 5-7 minutes. After digging with sugar water at the desired time, remove the bowl and separate the sugar water separately. Because peaches are only so thin, they are very brittle so they don't have to be dug with ice or put in the freezer.

- Squeeze lemon juice in a pot of sugar water to cool down for a taste. Wait for the sugar water to cool down and you dig it into the jar and pour the sugar in the soak to complete.

- Note, it is advisable to dig under the soaking water so that it does not become moldy, so the temperature in the room is 1 day to be eaten. You have to keep the refrigerator compartment cool to use.
