Recipes choose delicious ripe melon water melon without injecting drugs, grab to avoid being cheated by sellers

How to choose delicious watermelon without injecting medicine

Look at melon stalks : Newly harvested melons often have fresh stalks, if stalks turn dark brown, twisted, brittle and easy to break the melon harvested long ago. Do not buy melon stalks withered.

Look at the two ends of the melon : If the ripe melon fruit will have two symmetrical heads, the round stem is rounded, slightly concave, the middle area is full and firm. On the contrary, the melon has a very small head or a too sharp tail which is mostly not delicious, not evenly cooked.

Check elasticity : You can check the melon by gently pressing your finger, if you find the melon has moderate hardness, it is good. On the contrary, ripe melon is not old.

Using hands to estimate, when holding on hand, ripe melon often gives us a light feeling, green melons bring a heavy feeling, dress hands.

Watermelon looks at the pickle

Drop the watermelon in the water : To check if the ripe melon is really good, you can try the simplest way to drop the water into the basin. If the cucumber emerges, it means it is maturing

How to choose delicious melon:

Fruit melon : The housewives should choose the fruits of the melon with the greenish flesh. Because, it has thick and sweet flesh, more fragrant than white shell melon. The melons are sleek, look young but very delicious, it is possible to be injected with stimulant drugs. So, you need to pay attention when choosing.

Usually, delicious pear melon is firm, hard, small and fresh. In particular, the fruit has a protruding bottom, the pulp is crunchy and delicious.

Pickles should choose the right time

The taste of the melon : Smelling the melon from the bottom, the more fragrant the melon the better. Melon without fragrance will be very pale and the pulp is not crunchy.

In addition, according to the experience of some connoisseurs who eat melon, go to buy melon pears, women should also note, should not choose melons that have cracked shells because these fruits are easily attached to flies and mosquitoes. cause disease. Before adding melon or eating melon, clean your hands carefully. Peeled melon should be stored in a cool environment, avoiding contact with flies or dust.

Choose melon in the right season: To select the clean melon fruits, you need to choose to buy in the main season. At that time, the melon was less sprayed except after the left-over melon. Also, do not buy melon on rainy days or when it has just rained because it is very light at that time.
