Restaurant chef will not tell you: Steamed crabs should be placed on your stomach or face down is the most standard?

Sea crab is a favorite seafood because of its delicious, attractive and nutritious taste. Crabs can be processed into many delicious dishes such as sauce / roasted tamarind, grilled, stir-fried, steamed . in which steaming is the most common way because it is faster and simpler. Even so, not all women who eat crabs properly so that the delicious and delicious crabs do not smell or dry. Refer to the chef's approach below for more details.

Preparation: Sea crab, pepper, ginger, rice wine, lemongrass (if you like)


- Crab bought, put it in a bowl or a large bowl and pour the water in a moderate amount. Soak for 15 minutes then change water. When changing the water, you can add a little wine to the crab to help fish and release the sand. After water exchange, soak for another 15 minutes. At this time, take out the crabs, and the brush brush the shells and the belly of the crab for all substances to cling to it.

- Prepare an autoclave, pour water into the pot, then add some ginger to the pepper into the water. Put crabs on a steaming plate, place in a pot. Before putting up crabs, put some ginger or lemongrass on the crab. After the crabs are finished, you can sprinkle some ginger on top. Finally sprinkle with salt. Put the steamer in the pot.

- Special note: When arranging crabs, it is necessary to bend the belly upwards, the apricot part is placed downwards. While there are many women, they often turn their belly down to give their eyes, but this is wrong. The crab's belly up will help the crab to ripen evenly and the good water will be kept in the crab without melting.

- Large lighters and steamed crabs. After boiling, steam for another 5-8 minutes depending on the size of the crab. In addition, the consumption of pepper and ginger when steaming crabs helps the crab taste delicious, but the meat is also sweeter and has no fishy smell. When eating, dot crab with chili sauce or lemon pepper salt mixed with mustard.

How to make delicious steamed crab with sea beer:


- A big crab (about 800 - 1 kg)

- 150ml of beer

- 1 small onion

- 1 ginger branch

- 2 citronella trees (optional)

- 1 pepper (optional)

- Scallion

- Coriander, tomatoes for decoration


Preliminary treatment of herbs

Onions removed from the shell, supplemented with small and small aromas.

Peel and peel ginger, cut lead.

Citronella crushed, chili removed small seeds.

Scallions washed, cut

You can add coriander and tomatoes to decorate if you like. Coriander washed, drained. Flower-cut tomatoes look beautiful

Processing crabs

Fresh crabs need to be 'washed and scrubbed' because its outer skin is covered with a lot of dirty moss. But be careful to make paralyzed crabs before bathing for crabs. Before processing, crabs swim in the water for 5-10 minutes.

Flip the crab up, use the chopsticks to turn the crab over, under that bib is the crab's breast, there's a little hole. Using the tip of the scissors, or any sharp object to stab, it is stabbed into the heart of the crab. It will shrink, legs, struggle for a while and then become numb, limp. In this way, no matter how much the crab is steamed or boiled, there's no broken leg, no more

Now use a brush to clean your feet, as well as the shells of the crabs under running water.

How to steam crab

Prepare a big pan large enough to fit into the crab. Crab after being washed, put in saucepan, sprinkle onion, ginger, lemongrass, onion, chili.

Next is pouring beer on me. Put on the stove to boil, then lower the stove to medium. The crab is steamed with the top steamed beer until the crab tomorrow and the whole crab turns into a beautiful orange color then it's done (in about 10 -15 minutes) - Depending on the size of the crab.

Placing the crabs on a plate, pour a few tablespoons of beer water in the saucepan on the crabs to prevent them from drying out and decorate the flowers for eye catching.
