Reveal the dirtiest food in the supermarket that you should not buy

This is the secret that Chinese supermarket employees have revealed. Although the supermarket items always look clean and neat, the truth is not so. There are products that are not as hygienic as you think.

1. Ground meat is available

According to Chinese supermarket staff, pre-cooked meat should not be made from fresh meat as you think. It may be a collection of all kinds of leftover meat, head pieces mixed together.

In addition, no one is sure that this type of meat is hygienic, have they washed the meat well before puree? How long will the meat grinder be cleaned once? It is not known whether all the leftover meats that are milled are new meat today?

The best way is to choose fresh meat pieces and bring them home-made as both safe and secure.

2. Prepackaged meat

In addition to pre-cooked meat, in supermarkets or in the form of meat slices, wrap the film pre-wrapped. You think the meat cans are cut neatly and look fresh, but you can't tell which day they get meat; Is the date of manufacture printed on the bag correctly or not.

3. Ready-made meatballs

Meatballs are the favorite dish of many adults and young children. They often put meatballs in the hotpot. But the types of meatballs sold in supermarkets are often used as a health food preservative.

4. Frozen seafood

The shelf life of seafood in supermarket seafood cabinets is a mystery. Do you think you bought fresh seafood?

In fact, you can not know it has been nearly six months in the freezer, but is handled through a variety of drugs so it does not become damaged, like a template, even for a year, it remains the same.

Quarantine department found residues of pesticides in frozen shrimp.

5. Fruit has been peeled

In addition to fresh fruits, supermarkets often sell ready-cut fruit plates. Many people like to choose this product because it doesn't take a lot of work but there are many kinds of fruits in it.

However, one thing you don't know, these fruits are often broken or broken. The staff will cut the unbroken part and put it in a plate, wrap the food film, turn them into fresh fruit discs. Doing so often people do not realize that there is a problem to buy so the price is usually cheaper, so many people prefer it.
